Calendar – Change Log

Version 6.1.3



  • Salesforce LWC build now using generators instead of async/await as a workaround for Firefox bug. LWC bundle is now compiled with "chrome": "54" babel target (7849)


  • VUE 2 reached end of life on December 31, 2023. As a result, we will no longer be updating our Vue 2 components. While the components will continue to exist, we will remove them in a future release and recommend that you upgrade to Vue 3 for continued support


  • Certain color adjustment functions in SASS has been deprecated and will be removed from SASS in a future version. To be prepared for that, we have replaced our usages of these functions with the new ones. In general, this should not affect the look of components, with reservation for minor color variations (for more information, see


  • New php demo showing how to use Bryntum Calendar with a PHP backend (7574)


  • 3393HIGH PRIO Inconsistent duration unit in created calendar events
  • 9018HIGH PRIO Localization doesn’t work for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online
  • 10141 – Avatar style conflict between Gantt and Calendar
  • 10170 – Calendar visibleStartTime issue, 5s scroll delay
  • 10228AgendaView does not always scroll the new date that is set into it into view
  • 10232resourceRecord is undefined in DayResource View
  • 10331AgendaView eventTimeRenderer needs to be able to be more flexible


  • NodeJS: >= 20.0.0
  • TypeScript: >= 3.6.0
  • Angular: >= 9.0.0
  • React: >= 16.0.0
  • Vue: >= 3.0.0
  • Ionic: >= 5.0.0
  • Vite: >= 4.0.0
  • Webpack: >= 4.0.0
  • Sass: >= 1.38.0

Version 6.1.2



  • CalendarDatePicker, MonthAgendaView and YearView, when using showEvents : 'dots' may now be configured with details about the sizing and spacing of the dots. See the eventDots config, and the Month Agenda example
  • A new config on the EventTooltip Feature, clickDelay delays the show on click to allow disambiguating click gestures from double click gestures (9971)


  • DEPRECATED The maxDots config of CalendarDatePicker has been deprecated in favour of the new eventDots config


  • VUE-3-VITE New basic demo (Vue 3 vite) shows how to use Bryntum Calendar in Vue 3 project with TypeScript. The demo is located in examples/frameworks/vue-3-vite/basic folder (9808)


  • 9685HIGH PRIO Bryntum agenda print issue


  • NodeJS: >= 20.0.0
  • TypeScript: >= 3.6.0
  • Angular: >= 9.0.0
  • React: >= 16.0.0
  • Vue: >= 2.0.0
  • Ionic: >= 5.0.0
  • Vite: >= 4.0.0
  • Webpack: >= 4.0.0

Version 6.1.1



  • 10076HIGH PRIO Disabling autoCreate causes exception when drag events
  • 10089beforeRequest and afterRequest events missing in Calendar 6.1.0 version
  • 10102 – Duplicate title in week view after drag & drop
  • 10109ModeSelector overflow menu items do not get registered in calendar.widgetMap


  • NodeJS: >= 20.0.0
  • TypeScript: >= 3.6.0
  • Angular: >= 9.0.0
  • React: >= 16.0.0
  • Vue: >= 2.0.0
  • Ionic: >= 5.0.0
  • Vite: >= 4.0.0
  • Webpack: >= 4.0.0

Version 6.1.0



  • A new feature, ScheduleTooltip shows the hovered date and time in a tooltip which tracks mouse movement. It is not enabled by default. In its default configuration, it only activates in DayViews (5314)
  • The regular non-Ajax Store now has the ability to accept remote paging, sorting and filtering (6860, 8180, 9363)
  • A new feature, EventBuffer shows preamble and postamble times before and after events in DayViews (7148)
  • A new Calendar view, DayAgendaView (mode : 'dayagenda') offers a serial view of events in a day with the events rendering at their natural size, in ascending order of startDate. A new example (examples/day-agenda) exhibits this (9191)
  • DayResourceCalendarRow now lets you render additional HTML below the avatar/name with the new resourceHeaderExtraRenderer method. See it in use in the new date-resource-non-consecutive-dates demo
  • DayResourceCalendarRow now lets you fully customize the HTML showing for each resource with the new resourceHeaderRenderer method
  • A new Calendar view, MonthAgendaView (mode : 'monthagenda') offers a compact view of a month’s events with the agenda for the selected date displayed below. This is designed specifically for use on phone-sized devices with a width of less than 600 pixels. A new example (examples/month-agenda) exhibits this
  • ExcelExport feature got a minor refactoring, and now uses more feature-rich write-excel-file library (6089)


  • Previously, clicking on a long-running event in a MonthView, on one of its continuation days would return in the eventClick event a date property which is the date of the start point of the event bar, not the date of the cell clicked in. From 6.1.0, the date of the cell clicked in is always returned. This brings the API in line with the established Scheduler API (9870)


  • New date-resource-non-consecutive-dates demo showing how to use non-consecutive days in the DayResource mode (9543)
  • New month-agenda demo showing how to use MonthAgendaView mode
  • New day-agenda demo showing how to use DayAgendaView mode
  • New travel-time demo showing how to use the EventBuffer feature


  • NodeJS: >= 20.0.0
  • TypeScript: >= 3.6.0
  • Angular: >= 9.0.0
  • React: >= 16.0.0
  • Vue: >= 2.0.0
  • Ionic: >= 5.0.0
  • Vite: >= 4.0.0
  • Webpack: >= 4.0.0

Version 6.0.6



  • Predefined colors available as eventColor has been normalized between Scheduler, Calendar and TaskBoard


  • 9884TypeScript Event tooltip type should accept tools config
  • 9904ResourceView TimeAxis always shows current time pill if showTime is set
  • 9909 – Moving an infinitely weekly repeating event by drag & drop fails
  • 9930 – Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘then’)
  • 9939 – Calendar crashes when autoRowHeight and hideOtherMonthCells set to true
  • 9949 – Repeat event error when selecting option first day in month
  • 9956AgendaView has incorrect row heights if hideNonWorkingDays changed while hidden


  • NodeJS: >= 20.0.0
  • TypeScript: >= 3.6.0
  • Angular: >= 9.0.0
  • React: >= 16.0.0
  • Vue: >= 2.0.0
  • Ionic: >= 5.0.0
  • Vite: >= 4.0.0
  • Webpack: >= 4.0.0

Version 6.0.5



  • Custom theme demo (JavaScript) shows how to create a custom theme by modifying scss varibales. New demo is located in custom-theme folder (9762)


  • 5233ANGULAR Frameworks wrappers components not triggering some events
  • 9378HIGH PRIO RecurrenceConfirmationPopup reconfiguration should be easy
  • 9718VUE-3 Preventable events don’t work in Vue wrapper
  • 9726HIGH PRIO Reassigning resource of one event within series triggers incorrect CrudManager operations
  • 9752autoCreate Calendar setting not propagated to sub views by resourceView
  • 9794shortEventDuration not calculated correctly if custom hourHeight used
  • 9809 – Error on EventEdit close when recurrenceCombo is set to null
  • 9811minDate/maxDate not processed correctly
  • 9829HIGH PRIO JS error thrown when EventEdit popup is modal and delete button pressed


  • NodeJS: >= 20.0.0
  • TypeScript: >= 3.6.0
  • Angular: >= 9.0.0
  • React: >= 16.0.0
  • Vue: >= 2.0.0
  • Ionic: >= 5.0.0
  • Vite: >= 4.0.0
  • Webpack: >= 4.0.0

Version 6.0.4



  • 8626startDate and endDate are undefined in beforeDragMoveEnd listener
  • 9687 – Incorrect localization in Calendar
  • 9690LoadOnDemand feature with ResourceView causes infinite load loop
  • 9699alwaysShowCurrentDate doesn’t work when the Agenda store is filtered
  • 9702CalendarDrag resizable:false doesn’t disable the edge hover effect


  • NodeJS: >= 20.0.0
  • TypeScript: >= 3.6.0
  • Angular: >= 9.0.0
  • React: >= 16.0.0
  • Vue: >= 2.0.0
  • Ionic: >= 5.0.0
  • Vite: >= 4.0.0
  • Webpack: >= 4.0.0

Version 6.0.3



  • The Calendar Drag feature now fires vetoable events before the dragging starts. The event names are beforeDragCreate, beforeDragMove, beforeDragResize
  • The plugin processing has been updated to correctly handle multiple plugin configurations


  • 9388 – Event changes background color while resizing + dragging


  • NodeJS: >= 20.0.0
  • TypeScript: >= 3.6.0
  • Angular: >= 9.0.0
  • React: >= 16.0.0
  • Vue: >= 2.0.0
  • Ionic: >= 5.0.0
  • Vite: >= 4.0.0
  • Webpack: >= 4.0.0

Version 6.0.2



  • Bumped the built-in version of FontAwesome Free to v6.6.0, which includes a new table-cells-row-unlock icon sponsored by Bryntum
  • DayViews (WeekView is a DayView) now can show the current time as a pill in the time axis. The showCurrentTime config may be an object containing showTime : true/false and fullWidth : true/false. The fullWidth property causes the current timeline to cover the full view width, including all days that the view contains


  • REACT-REMIX "Basic" (React + Remix) demo shows using Calendar component in Remix. The demo is located in frameworks/react-remix/basic folder (4912)
  • SHAREPOINT Added a new demo for SharePoint Framework (SPFx) in the frameworks/react/typescript/sharepoint-fabric folder (9224)
  • Calendar radio-schedule demos has been updated (9620)


  • 9434TimeRanges do not render if 'day' is default mode
  • 9443dblClick to create after 23:00 in DayView results in a day-crossing event
  • 9513 – Event start date is one day before for zero-duration all-day events
  • 9532 – Bug with timeRanges after dayEndTime
  • 9547alwaysShowCurrentDate setting needed for AgendaView
  • 9600eventColor not applied correctly in Timeline mode
  • 9606autoCreate event close to midnight throws error in shifted day example
  • 9616 – Refocus after mouse-based event delete should only scroll is using keyboard
  • 9631ModeSelector has smaller font-size than others


  • NodeJS: >= 20.0.0
  • TypeScript: >= 3.6.0
  • Angular: >= 9.0.0
  • React: >= 16.0.0
  • Vue: >= 2.0.0
  • Ionic: >= 5.0.0
  • Vite: >= 4.0.0
  • Webpack: >= 4.0.0

Version 6.0.1



  • 9198 – Grid printing does not handle auto height rows
  • 9457 – Incorrect selected date in WeekView header on first load


  • NodeJS: >= 20.0.0
  • TypeScript: >= 3.6.0
  • Angular: >= 9.0.0
  • React: >= 16.0.0
  • Vue: >= 2.0.0
  • Ionic: >= 5.0.0
  • Vite: >= 4.0.0
  • Webpack: >= 4.0.0

Version 6.0.0


We are thrilled to announce version 6.0 of our Calendar product. This release marks a significant milestone for us after more than two years of dedicated development. In this update, we are excited to bring you:

  • Copy paste of events
  • Improved TypeScript typings
  • A new code editor in the examples for easy fiddling
  • Cool new demos
  • Bug fixes and other enhancements requested by our community

A special thanks to everyone who helped us by testing our alpha and beta versions. Your feedback and support have been invaluable


  • EventCopyPaste feature adds copy-paste capabilities to events. Both via context menu and keyboard actions (4728)
  • All Calendar modes now expose an eventCount property, which yields the number of visible events, which intersect the view’s date range. This is a convenience property for creating view description (8758)
  • The code editor in examples is now implemented with the VS Code engine. Code folding, search and replace, full undo/redo is now available when editing examples
  • The List widget now handles a tree store and will indent and expand/collapse nodes on click of an inline toggle button
  • TypeScript Class configs Config (e.g. ButtonConfig) now provide type declarations for listeners parameter in .d.ts files
  • TypeScript Class configs Config (e.g. ButtonConfig) types now have optional parameters in .d.ts files. *Config type can be used instead of Partial<*Config> declaration
  • Bumped the built-in version of FontAwesome Free to v6.5.2, which includes a new table-cells-row-lock icon sponsored by Bryntum
  • Angular Bryntum Angular wrapper now exports Bryntum...Props types (e.g. BryntumCalendarProps) which match the configs available for a wrapper component (e.g. BryntumCalendarComponent). Wrappers code is now delivered with documentation inside, that helps in setting up the components
  • EventHelper no longer mutates the DOM event object to fix browser quirks and add utility properties. It now wraps the DOM event with a Proxy, which exposes all the properties of the DOM event and also accepts any new properties added to it. The original DOM event is available in the browserEvent property


  • VUE-3 Bryntum Vue-3 wrapper now exports Bryntum...Props types (e.g. BryntumCalendarProps) which match the configs available for a wrapper component (e.g. <bryntum-calendar>). Wrappers code is now delivered with documentation and TypeScript sources inside (3085)
  • DEPRECATED The WidgetHelper utility class has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use the corresponding widget class instead – Widget, Toast or Mask (6103)
  • BREAKING The drop events in the ExternalEventSource feature have been renamed to conform to the wider Bryntum product standard: dropExternal was renamed to beforeDropExternal, and afterDropExternal to dropExternal (7491)
  • BREAKING The useRawData setting on Store is now enabled by default, but with all sub-settings disabled. This means that the incoming data object will be used as is, without being cloned. Which will boost data loading performance, but is potentially a breaking change if the data object is reused / used in other parts of the application (8335)
  • BREAKING In 6.0.0-alpha-2 we changed the default value for useRawData on stores to true. This boosted record creation performance by not cloning the incoming data object. However, this change has lead to some issues, and we are now taking a step back. It will once again default to false when supplying data inline, and instead only to true when data is loaded remotely using an AjaxStore or a CrudManager (9289)
  • DEPRECATED @bryntum/babel-preset-react-app, @bryntum/cra-template-typescript-calendar, @bryntum/cra-template-javascript-calendar npm packages are deprecated, and will not get any further updates. Versions prior to 6.0.0 are still accessible
  • BREAKING ANGULAR REACT VUE BryntumProjectModel framework wrapper is no longer available since 6.0.0. Use BryntumCalendarProProjectModel instead. Check the upgrade guide for the details
  • DEPRECATED The count property of EventList is deprecated in favour of the more descriptive eventCount property, which now exists in all Calendar modes.
  • allowOverlap flag was made private. Functionality is not yet implemented, will be public once it is fully supported


  • The Stockholm theme got some slight tweaks to panel header (removed bottom border) and tab panel styling (replaced active tab background with thick bottom border) for a more modern look (8440)


  • New exporttoexcel demo showing how to export the Calendar events to Excel (1567)
  • New action-buttons demo showing how to render icon buttons inside DayView events


  • 6261 – Drag proxy not aligned under cursor when dragging overlapping event
  • 6441 – Instance config values should not be overridden by responsive configs
  • 7141 – Event drag proxy has overlapping text when event is small
  • 7760HIGH PRIO TypeScript Type intersection with any might be wrong
  • 7808 – Cannot configure mode selector as minified
  • 8657ResourceFilter List widget does not correctly handle tree structure
  • 8891 – Change Range for DayResource and ResourceView at runtime
  • 9110 – Calendar crashes when zooming multiple times
  • 9299 – Copy pasting a multi-assigned event pastes to "random" resource
  • 9316 – Calendar zoom stops working once zoom level has hit minimum
  • 9415 – Contextual recurrence options not shown when EventEditor docked
  • 9418 – Event Editor should not hide when clicking modal mask with recurrence prompt open
  • 9448 – Delete dialog for recurrent events disappears automatically


  • NodeJS: >= 20.0.0
  • TypeScript: >= 3.6.0
  • Angular: >= 9.0.0
  • React: >= 16.0.0
  • Vue: >= 2.0.0
  • Ionic: >= 5.0.0
  • Vite: >= 4.0.0
  • Webpack: >= 4.0.0

Version 5.6.13



  • 9299 – Copy/pasting a multi-assigned event pastes to "random" resource
  • 9368NumberField.wrapAround processed incorrectly when spin down goes below the min


  • NodeJS: >= 14.0.0
  • TypeScript: >= 3.6.0
  • Angular: >= 9.0.0
  • React: >= 16.0.0
  • Vue: >= 2.0.0
  • Ionic: >= 5.0.0
  • Vite: >= 4.0.0
  • Webpack: >= 4.0.0

Version 5.6.12



  • You can now configure Calendar’s enableRecurringEvents with a defaultAction property, to always choose a predefined action. Use single to always only process the selected event, or future to change all future events (7606)
  • DayView and WeekView now accept a columnHeaderRenderer configuration. This is a callback function that can be used to create custom header content at the top of day columns (9260)


  • VUE REACT When using wrappers for Vue or React, syncDataOnLoad is by default set to true on all stores configured on the wrapped Widget. Starting from 5.6.12, stores with a configured readUrl or that belongs to a project configured with a loadUrl, will have their syncDataOnLoad default to null


  • 9025calendar.createEvent with empty date triggers an error
  • 9231 – Disable recurring event confirmation pop-up does not work
  • 9317Agenda view flickers when pasting events
  • 9348 – External drag back into Calendar does not correctly update the event’s startDate
  • 9361 – Calendar event edit button sometimes is hidden after creating a new event


  • NodeJS: >= 14.0.0
  • TypeScript: >= 3.6.0
  • Angular: >= 9.0.0
  • React: >= 16.0.0
  • Vue: >= 2.0.0
  • Ionic: >= 5.0.0
  • Vite: >= 4.0.0
  • Webpack: >= 4.0.0

Version 5.6.11



  • A new static boolean property, Widget.accessibility was added, which, when set to true causes tooltips to be activated on focus in addition to mouseover (5539)
  • Vanilla JavaScript documentation has a new section on Multiple Products, showing how to use multiple components in a single page using thin components (8756)


  • After a docs regression, several APIs flagged to be hidden in subclasses were still visible in the docs. These APIs are now correctly hidden (9140)


  • Added new multiassign-resourceids demo showing event resourceIds field usage (9187)


  • 8783 – Occurrences should not be skipped for COUNT-based rules when changing exceptionDates at the data level
  • 8927HIGH PRIO CrudManager sync does not clear changes for updated recurring event
  • 8972 – MonthView error when sixWeeks: false, autoRowHeight: true
  • 9039HIGH PRIO Window Freezes when resolving recurrence confirmation popup
  • 9143startDate is overridden upon editing other fields of an event in EventEdit
  • 9151HIGH PRIO New events disappear from timezone demo when changing date
  • 9157 – Deleting last recurring event resulting in new event on the following day
  • 9185contextMenuTriggerEvent: 'click' does not work for calendar


  • NodeJS: >= 14.0.0
  • TypeScript: >= 3.6.0
  • Angular: >= 9.0.0
  • React: >= 16.0.0
  • Vue: >= 2.0.0
  • Ionic: >= 5.0.0
  • Vite: >= 4.0.0
  • Webpack: >= 4.0.0

Version 5.6.10



  • CalendarPanel (and its subclass DatePicker) may now be configured with a nonWorkingDays object which is separate from weekend days while weekend days continue to exist in their fixed position. (8914)


  • 8972 – MonthView error when sixWeeks : false, autoRowHeight : true
  • 8987 – DayView.scrollTo function does not work more than one time
  • 8992ANGULAR implement support of ViewEncapsulation.ShadowDom
  • 9012 – Calendar: Multi-day recurring event over weekend throws errors
  • 9022 – AgendaView shows inconsistent "Ends" date relative to how the tooltip shows it


  • NodeJS: >= 14.0.0
  • TypeScript: >= 3.6.0
  • Angular: >= 9.0.0
  • React: >= 16.0.0
  • Vue: >= 2.0.0
  • Ionic: >= 5.0.0
  • Vite: >= 4.0.0
  • Webpack: >= 4.0.0

Version 5.6.9



  • DayView (WeekView is a DayView) can now show both event start time and event end time in the event block header. Configure the showTime property as { startTime : true, endTime : true } (8886)


  • Added Brazilian Portuguese translation ('PtBr') (8747)


  • 8730 – Event renderer uses single DomConfig object incorrectly
  • 8787 – Recurring events, which cross a midnight boundary can cause extra cells in AgendaView
  • 8792 – Step does not work for startTimeField in event editor
  • 8795 – New recurrence popup created on window focus out
  • 8862ListView does not generate correct stepUnit for a range
  • 8863 – Drag snapping should snap relative to hour start, not current position
  • 8948 – Undefined variable $cal-intraday-event-color


  • NodeJS: >= 14.0.0
  • TypeScript: >= 3.6.0
  • Angular: >= 9.0.0
  • React: >= 16.0.0
  • Vue: >= 2.0.0
  • Ionic: >= 5.0.0
  • Vite: >= 4.0.0
  • Webpack: >= 4.0.0

Version 5.6.8



  • The DayView (Calendar mode day or week) now offers an eventHeaderRenderer property, which is a callback to be configured by applications which need to customize the header portion of an event block. By default, the event’s startTime time is displayed according to the configured timeFormat. This setting allows applications to place any content in the event block’s header.
  • The DayView (Calendar mode day or week) now offers a timeAxisTimeFormat property which is a DateHelper format string to format the time ticks in the time axis on the left side of the view.


  • New filtering-advanced example showing how to add additional filtering fields to the SideBar


  • 8642DayView‘s timeFormat is used in event header and in the time axis generation
  • 8688dblclick beforeAutoCreate event does not receive a resourceRecord property
  • 8702HIGH PRIO Dragged event bar does not have identical content to event being moved


  • NodeJS: >= 14.0.0
  • TypeScript: >= 3.6.0
  • Angular: >= 9.0.0
  • React: >= 16.0.0
  • Vue: >= 2.0.0
  • Ionic: >= 5.0.0
  • Vite: >= 4.0.0
  • Webpack: >= 4.0.0

Version 5.6.7



  • The DayResourceView (Calendar mode dayresource) now offers a resourceDateFilter property, which is a callback implemented by applications, which allows applications to filter out resource columns for dates depending upon any conditions the application requires. The callback is passed context about the resource and date. It must return true or false to show or not show the resource column for the passed resource and date
  • The DayView (Calendar mode day) now offers a dateFilter property, which is a callback implemented by applications, which allows applications to filter out columns for dates depending upon any conditions the application requires. The callback is passed context including the date. It must return true or false to show or not show the day column for the passed date
  • DayView (WeekView is a subclass of DayView) has a new config property showDayStartHour which causes the zero-minute tick of the configured day start (usually 12:00 AM) to be shown at the top of the time axis (8420)
  • Calendar views now have a syncCalendarDate property, which prevents the Calendar date from the following view date clicks (8501)


  • 8415highlightSelectedWeek makes week rows jump 1px
  • 8423HIGH PRIO LWC Engine performance is too low with LWS enabled
  • 8455 – Crash when drag creating in event-items demo
  • 8458 – Tools should have white color in tooltip header
  • 8539 – Crash when toggling full screen
  • 8540 – Crash when adding new event via context menu
  • 8564 – Returning false from beforeDragCreateEnd listener leaves the drag-create element in place
  • 8603 – Agenda View – Incorrect Order of Events after updating one event when recurring events are present
  • 8640REACT Update EquipmentStore to Store type in all demos, fixed grid store to be unchained and only combo store should be chained in all framework demos


  • NodeJS: >= 14.0.0
  • TypeScript: >= 3.6.0
  • Angular: >= 9.0.0
  • React: >= 16.0.0
  • Vue: >= 2.0.0
  • Ionic: >= 5.0.0
  • Vite: >= 4.0.0
  • Webpack: >= 4.0.0

Version 5.6.6



  • Bumped built-in FontAwesome Free to version 6.5.1
  • All frameworks demo applications have been verified and updated to be compatible with Node.js 20


  • To boost record creation performance, records now cache their id (it is accessed very frequently, helps performance a bit) and join their store(s) in a more efficient way. As a side effect, a record no longer has a stores array prior to joining a store, previously it was there as an empty array from start. We don’t think this will affect any code, but wanted to share the change in case it does
  • DEPRECATED ANGULAR REACT VUE BryntumProjectModel framework wrapper will be removed starting from 6.0.0 version. Use BryntumCalendarProjectModel instead. Check the upgrade guide for the details


  • 4605EventRenderer renders html as raw string when name is null
  • 5639 – Calendar drag create should fire beforeEventAdd like Scheduler
  • 8196displayName config has no effect for Scheduler as a Calendar mode
  • 8200 – Webpack build failed with .min.css file
  • 8337EventRenderer does not share well with resourceAvatars


  • NodeJS: >= 14.0.0
  • TypeScript: >= 3.6.0
  • Angular: >= 9.0.0
  • React: >= 16.0.0
  • Vue: >= 2.0.0
  • Ionic: >= 5.0.0
  • Vite: >= 4.0.0
  • Webpack: >= 4.0.0

Version 5.6.5



  • DayView and WeekView now accept a new config, dashedSubticks which cause minor tick lines (at 30 and 15 minutes etc.) to be rendered as dashed lines


  • DEPRECATED The Calendar tbar item toggleSideBar has been renamed toggleSidebar for naming consistency. The old name will continue to be recognized until v7.0, but it is recommended that if your app customizes that item in the tbar, you update your app to use the correct name


  • ANGULAR New "Drag equipment onto tasks" demo (Angular) demonstrates how to drag any DOM node and drop it onto a task to update some aspect of it. The demo is located in frameworks/angular/drag-onto-tasks folder (7985)
  • ANGULAR New "List view" demo (Angular) demonstrates the ‘list’ view type. The demo is located in frameworks/angular/listview folder (8106)
  • ANGULAR New "Using TimeRanges" demo (Angular) shows how to use the TimeRanges feature to add vertical zones to the calendar. The demo is located in frameworks/angular/timeranges folder (8075)
  • REACT + VITE New "Drag equipment onto tasks demo" (React + Vite) demonstrates how to drag any DOM node and drop it onto a task to update some aspect of it. The demo is located in frameworks/react-vite/drag-onto-tasks folder (7984)
  • REACT + VITE New "List view" demo (React + Vite) demonstrates the ‘list’ view type. The demo is located in frameworks/react-vite/listview folder (8105)
  • REACT + VITE New "Using TimeRanges" demo (React + Vite) shows how to use the TimeRanges feature to add vertical zones to the calendar. The demo is located in frameworks/react-vite/timeranges folder (8032)
  • VUE 3 + VITE New "List view" demo (Vue 3 + Vite) demonstrates the ‘list’ view type. The demo is located in frameworks/vue-3-vite/listview folder
  • VUE-3 + VITE New "Using TimeRanges" demo (Vue 3 + Vite) shows how to use the TimeRanges feature to add vertical zones to the calendar. The demo is located in frameworks/vue-3-vite/timeranges folder (8033)


  • 4500allDay event with long duration may become interday when dragged to main schedule
  • 7403 – Make a guide on how to make a theme selector in frameworks
  • 7947 – Setting defaultCalendar : null makes the ‘add event’ item of scheduleMenu disabled
  • 7964REACT JSX doesn’t work in Popups
  • 8104onEventClick is not called by events relayed from DayView child views
  • 8140 – Modes should refresh when eventRenderer changed
  • 8144 – Setting highlightSelectedWeek to true isn’t working
  • 8145toggleSidebar item has not consistent naming.
  • 8149LoadOnDemand should not request subsets of a range which is already loaded
  • 8157 – Crash in event tooltip when hovering one event and moving directly to another
  • 8158Tooltip realign crash


  • TypeScript: >= 3.6.0
  • Angular: >= 9.0.0
  • React: >= 16.0.0
  • Vue: >= 2.0.0
  • Ionic: >= 5.0.0
  • Vite: >= 4.0.0
  • Webpack: >= 4.0.0

Version 5.6.4



  • 8066ResourceFilter throws an error on deselectAll when it has a change listener
  • 8080 – Missing TimelineHistogram component in Angular / React / Vue packages
  • 8081 – Missing TreeGrid component in Angular / React / Vue packages
  • 8087 – Angular drag-from-grid demo broken


  • TypeScript: >= 3.6.0
  • Angular: >= 9.0.0
  • React: >= 16.0.0
  • Vue: >= 2.0.0
  • Ionic: >= 5.0.0
  • Vite: >= 4.0.0
  • Webpack: >= 4.0.0

Version 5.6.3



  • DayView zooming now also works using pinch-zoom gestures on touch devices. This is still controlled by the zoomOnMouseWheel config property
  • REACT New Resource view demo (React + Vite) shows per-resource calendar views. The demo is located in frameworks/react-vite/resourceview folder (7857)
  • VUE-3-VITE New Resource view demo (Vue 3 + Vite) shows per-resource calendar views. The demo is located in frameworks/vue-3-vite/resourceview folder (7890)
  • VUE-3-VITE New Drag equipment onto tasks demo (Vue 3 + Vite) demonstrates how to drag any DOM node and drop it onto a task to update some aspect of it. The demo is located in frameworks/vue-3-vite/drag-onto-tasks folder (7464)
  • REACT Documentation in "Quick start" and "Guide" is now updated with how to build a React application using Vite for higher efficiency and better performance in development


  • DEPRECATED Please kindly note that @bryntum/babel-preset-react-app and @bryntum/cra-template-typescript-calendar, @bryntum/cra-template-javascript-calendar packages will not get any updates after 6.0.0 version


  • 6125EventTooltip hides when event menu shows
  • 7937 – Drag-create’s newName function call needs more context
  • 7978nextActiveView is undefined error on deleting last visible event when sidebar date picker is showing events as dots
  • 7987 – List stops reacting to selection change if selection is programmatically updated
  • 7988EventTip adds its "reveal" class to its overTarget before the vetoable show event is fired
  • 7991 – List view event tooltip not always displaying
  • 8003minWidth of aligned widget calculated wrong when percentage is involved
  • 8004 – All-day bar created from resizing intra-day event does not inherit the event’s resource/color
  • 8036 – Copy to clipboard doesn’t work in some code blocks


  • TypeScript: >= 3.6.0
  • Angular: >= 9.0.0
  • React: >= 16.0.0
  • Vue: >= 2.0.0
  • Ionic: >= 5.0.0
  • Vite: >= 4.0.0
  • Webpack: >= 4.0.0

Version 5.6.2



  • VUE-3 New List view demo (Vue 3 + Vite) demonstrates the ‘list’ view type. The demo is located in frameworks/vue-3-vite/listview folder (7463)


  • 7092 – Feature mixin on-owner events are not exposed on class
  • 7725 – Grid cells in an event list do not stretch grid row elements


  • TypeScript: >= 3.6.0
  • Angular: >= 9.0.0
  • React: >= 16.0.0
  • Vue: >= 2.0.0
  • Ionic: >= 5.0.0
  • Vite: >= 4.0.0
  • Webpack: >= 4.0.0

Version 5.6.1



  • ANGULAR New "Resource view" demo shows per-resource calendar views. The demo is located in frameworks/angular/resourceview folder (7441)
  • DayView now has a hideEmptyDays option which hides date columns for dates which contain no events. Note that this should be used with care. It may result in no visible date columns if there are no events in the view’s date range. This is in all DayView subclasses such as WeekView and DayResourceView (7804)
  • DayResourceView now has a hideEmptyResources option which hides resource columns for resources which have no scheduled events for the date
  • The WeekExpander feature now cooperates with the MonthView‘s autoRowHeight property. Empty week rows flex-shrink to a minimum height when a week row is expanded to show all events. Vertical overflow is avoided where possible (7854)


  • 5719YARN Can not install @bryntum product packages using yarn v2/v3
  • 7703NumberField limits typed input to minimumFractionDigits not maximumFractionDigits
  • 7750 – Vite error @charset must precede all other statements
  • 7754Frameworks Thin packages not working with pnpm
  • 7767 – List groups which start collapsed cannot be expanded using the UI
  • 7775 – Setting autoCreate to false doesn’t prevent the dblclick event creation
  • 7820globalThis should be defined in locales to support LWC
  • 7823 – Inconsistent drag creation behavior in Calendar year view
  • 7846 – Clicking on event, changes the start date of the view


  • TypeScript: >= 3.6.0
  • Angular: >= 9.0.0
  • React: >= 16.0.0
  • Vue: >= 2.0.0
  • Ionic: >= 5.0.0
  • Vite: >= 4.0.0
  • Webpack: >= 4.0.0

Version 5.6.0



  • This release introduces a new set of npm packages and framework components, that allows combining multiple Bryntum products in the same application. These packages contain the product specific code only, as opposed to the current packages that has all code for the products each product builds upon (for example Scheduler contains Grid & Core). The new packages are called thin packages, and moving forward it will be the recommended way of using Bryntum products in npm based applications (for all supported frameworks). See the "What’s new" guide for more information
  • @bryntum/calendar-thin bundle includes scss theme files in sass/themes folder (7445)
  • Time ranges now support recurrence out of the box, you no longer have to subclass and mix RecurringTimeSpan manually (7217)
  • Calendar print feature allows printing Agenda View (3884)
  • There is a new event, dayCellPopulated which fires when an array of events has been gathered for a certain date. This event may be used to mutate the events array for that date (7715)
  • TypeScript Functions and events declarations in typings were improved to contain all available parameters and return type (6961, 4456)


  • BREAKING Core.util.helper.Point class has been moved to solve circular module dependencies. It is now a named export of the Core.util.helper.Rectangle module. Check upgrading guide for the details
  • BREAKING TypeScript ScrollOptions typedef has been renamed to BryntumScrollOptions to not interfere with TypeScript interface ScrollOptions. Check upgrading guide for the details (7385)
  • FRAMEWORKSDEPRECATED BryntumProjectModel wrapper component has been renamed to BryntumCalendarProjectModel. Please see the upgrade guide for details


  • 6619 – Calendar’s inline-data demo should use ProjectModel wrapper
  • 7739 – Events with 0 duration still not displaying side by side


  • TypeScript: >= 3.6.0
  • Angular: >= 9.0.0
  • React: >= 16.0.0
  • Vue: >= 2.0.0
  • Ionic: >= 5.0.0
  • Vite: >= 4.0.0
  • Webpack: >= 4.0.0

Version 5.5.5



  • 1317 – Calendar fires 2 refresh events on adding a new event record
  • 4727 – Documentation for Calendar EventMenu items missing
  • 6206 – Wrong guide for customizing context menu
  • 7587onBeforeDragMoveEnd returns incorrect datetime on event record
  • 7607 – List should allow easy setting of selected items
  • 7666DayLayout not laying out zero-duration events
  • 7673 – Events not rendering after switching to Russian locale
  • 7678titleRenderer not honoured if editor is not floating
  • 7679 – Event blinks after drag create is completed
  • 7693 – Align anchor arrow colour detection wrong when mouse is over adjacent element
  • 7706EventEdit does not exit when clicking on sidebar DatePicker

Version 5.5.4



  • There is a new Calendar config activeDateCls which is a CSS class name which gets added to the currently active date’s cell in all modes (7535)


  • 7478 – Unable to scroll after quickly navigating in Agenda view
  • 7487DateResourceView does not render ResourceTimeRanges
  • Partially fixed 7491ExternalEventSource dropExternal event should be preventable
  • 7512ExternalEventSource: eventRecord not always set in externalDrop event
  • 7513 – Calendar tries to sync assignments on drag-create start
  • 7520viewContainer should be a config to allow reconfiguration
  • 7553 – Incorrect Swedish translation in Calendar
  • 7567overflowPopup should inherit the eventSorter of its owner
  • 7599autoRowHeight and maxEventsPerCell do not work together
  • 7600 – Event filter is not working when Calendar is read only

Version 5.5.3



  • 4782 – React calendar issue when setting state
  • 7059beforeDragMoveEnd and beforeDragResizeEnd has not correct event ids
  • 7178dragMoveEnd listener in DayResourceView not having updated data

Version 5.5.2



  • New demo drag-onto-tasks showing how to drag custom objects onto an event
  • YearView may now show "No events" in its cell tooltip (5530)


  • There is a new locale key noEvents : 'No events' which may be used by YearView‘s cell tooltip


  • 6993DatePicker doesn’t trigger dateChange for grayed days when disableOtherMonthCells false
  • 7331 – Cannot set day and date in two separate statements
  • 7332 – Crash when double clicking calendar icon in dual-dayview demo

Version 5.5.1



  • 7179beforeAutoCreate missing parameter in new DayResourceView
  • 7199timeFormat localization is ignored
  • 7224isCreating flag gets "stuck" if the edit is vetoed
  • 7256 – Incorrect number of events
  • 7260 – Event not rendered on overflowClickAction expand

Version 5.5.0


This release is a replacement for the 5.4.3 patch release. It was changed to a minor version because of some larger changes behind the scenes to pave the way for future support for live updates in Scheduler Pro and Gantt.


  • 7221VUE Vue vite app doesn’t compile with Bryntum vue wrappers
  • 7224isCreating flag gets "stuck" if the edit is vetoed

Version 5.4.2



  • 4163 – Inconsistent undo/redo behavior in calendar demo
  • 6995VUE An exception when use workingTime config in calendar timeline view
  • 7127 – Id collision error when creating new event using an external button on EventList mode
  • 7166 – Properly maintain b-selected-date class in ResourceView day headers
  • 7169 – Events hidden behind other events when switching modes
  • 7185 – Event sort works incorrect in Month View
  • 7196autoCreate step not always propagated into TimeField step
  • 7208 – Calendar’s active date not changing with Datepicker

Version 5.4.1



  • We have created a public repository to showcase Salesforce demos. All previous demos are merged into one Lightning Application which is easy to install to a new scratch org. You can find more information in updated guides and in this repository:
  • We have created a public Salesforce org where this app is preinstalled. You can find link to it and login credentials on the updated examples page


  • 6077TypeScript Model constructors should allow second param
  • 7085beforeEventEdit event should handle async handlers
  • 7106ExternalEventResource drag drop crashes if no resource on DayResourceView
  • 7107 – Extra horizontal scrollbars shown in resourceview in narrow window
  • 7132 – Calendar ResourceFilter change listener has wrong ‘oldValue’ on select

Version 5.4.0



  • Widget has a new config, maximizeOnMobile which takes effect only on floating widgets on a mobile device. It causes the widget to be maximized instead of positioned in order to accommodate the mobile virtual keyboard. This will make event editing much easier to use on mobile devices (6522)
  • On mobile devices, type : 'checkbox' is rendered as a slidetoggle widget. The API and value is the same, it is just a more appropriate UI for the platform
  • Calendar has a new mode, dayresourceview which shows columns of events for each selected resource for each day in its range. Check it out in the new date-resource example
  • The CalendarDrag feature now has a new config removeFromExternalStore. It defaults to true meaning that when an event is dropped on the Calendar from an outside event store, the record is removed from that store. If set to false, the record is not removed, and a clone of the dragged record is inserted at the drop position.
  • The ExternalEventSource feature now allows a droppable property to be specified. If a grid is configured as the external UI, then dropping will Just Work. If the event source is just DOM elements, there are dragMoveExternal and dropExternal events. (6826)
  • For a slightly better docs experience for most users, the docs browser now by default hides some more obscure APIs normally only used when implementing own widgets and features. Advanced users in need of these APIs can still opt in to see them using the Show menu in the docs browser


  • 6957 – Unexpected drag proxy in dragfromgrid demo
  • 6963 – Drag from Grid demo exception when dragging
  • 7002 – Clarify granularity level of dayStartTime and dayEndTime in API docs
  • 7003 – Set coreHours to the dayStart and end if they went through rounding
  • 7007 – ResourceView overwrites configuration with values from itself.
  • 7019 – Align constrained doesn’t work in some cases.
  • 7020 – Drag from ExternalEventSource into Calendar with no resources throws Error
  • 7057 – CalendarRow cell width mismatch on narrow Calendars
  • 7068 – The "Select all" item in List is not internationalized

Version 5.3.8



  • 6981 – Applying german locale after init makes ResourceView show wrong week

Version 5.3.7



  • New Event items demo. The example shows how to attach an arbitrary list of items (guests) to an event. The demo is located in examples/event-items folder


  • When changing timeZone on a Calendar, the date range that the Calendar is currently displaying will not change unless the active view is a DayView and the selected days events center point will, when converted to a different time zone, be changed to a different day
  • The DayView methods zoomTo and zoomBy now return a Promise that may be awaited if postprocessing the updated UI state is required


  • 6467 – Replace separate view live demos to enable drag drop
  • 6839 – Calendar currentTime indicator is not converted to timeZone
  • 6871overflowPopup : null should make YearView switch to DayView in Calendar
  • 6872FilterField should tolerate its field value being null/undefined
  • 6880WeekView‘s all day row horizontal scroll may become out of sync if no all day events exist and the minDayWidth is set to cause horizontal overflow.
  • 6973 – Calendar editEvent(eventRecord) crashes without startDate and endDate

Version 5.3.6



  • Event bar colors are set in an event element using the --cal-event-color CSS property, not by setting a color name CSS class
  • All day event bars (and all event bars which are rendered using the renderData option solidBar : true) which do not have an iconCls may now show the default circular "bullet" icon before the text. To enable this, configure that mode (or the Calendar’s modeDefaults) with showBullet : { bar : true }
  • The durationUnit used in the new record when drag-creating events now matches the unit specified in the dragUnit property of the active view. The defaults have not changed, so in a DayView, the duration of drag-created events will be in hours and in all other views, (including the all day CalendarRow in a DayView) in days (6798)
  • The EventTooltip feature may now be configured with revealEventsInCluster : false which means that when hovering a narrow event which is sharing day column width with other, overlapping events the hovered event does not expand to the full width (6410)


  • DayView and WeekView may now be configured with how to snap an autoCreate pointer date to an autoCreate.step point. The autoCreate.snapType may be configured as 'round' (the default), 'floor' or 'ceil' (6739)


  • 6771 – No cell content should be shown for "other month" cells in MonthView
  • 6772 – Event colour source should be taken from correct resource
  • 6779MonthView events bars not conforming to eventColor renderer values.
  • 6781 – Remove erroneous dayCellRenderer docs from AgendaView
  • 6828CalendarDrag should not create an AllDayZone if the allDayEvents widget has been configured away

Version 5.3.5



  • The ResourceFilter widget may now be configured to also filter the resourceStore by configuring filterResources as true (6698)
  • DayView and WeekView event renderers now accept a bodyColor property to the renderData which specifies the background color of the body part of the event block (6690)
  • The EventStore setting removeUnassignedEvent now defaults to false for the Calendar product. This means that removing all assignments from an event will not remove it from the event store (6732)


  • 6093 – Resource filter not respected on initial loading
  • 6516 – Calendar state save and restore may include the date
  • 6683 – Calendar sidebar collapses when Combo dropdown clicked
  • 6701IONIC Scrollbar width could not be determined under Ionic framework
  • 6702 – Setting EventList listRangeItems item to null causes error
  • 6705 – Crash in shifted demo
  • 6708showEvents : 'count' in YearView doesn’t work
  • 6714 – When DayView has daySelector : true, the time axis is not accounted for
  • 6733 – Crash if calendar sidebar is destroyed while loading
  • 6744DayView allDayEvents should be able to be configured as expanded

Version 5.3.4



  • 4631eventDrag not working well if data mapping used for start/end dates
  • 6588ListView bugs when asked to display arbitrary date range as opposed to range config
  • 6627 – Zero duration all Day Event shown incorrectly
  • 6629 – Fix hiding context menus inside LWC components on scroll
  • 6633PickerField editable:false doesn’t work inside WebComponent
  • 6651 – Calendar: after zoom, scroll jumps on click-n-drag event creation
  • 6652 – Minified UMD bundle does not export bryntum namespace

Version 5.3.3



  • VUE-3 Added a new Vue-3 demo, "Scheduler Timeline". Demo is located in the examples/frameworks/vue-3/calendar-scheduler folder
  • VUE-3 Added a new Vue-3 demo showing binding to inline data arrays, "Scheduler Timeline Inline data". Demo is located in the examples/frameworks/vue-3/calendar-scheduler-inline folder
  • CalendarDatePicker now offers an eventFilter config to match other Calendar widgets (6591)
  • ANGULAR Bryntum Calendar now ships with two npm Angular wrapper packages to support different versions of Angular framework. Existing @bryntum/calendar-angular package is now designed to work with Angular 12 and newer versions, which use the IVY rendering engine. New @bryntum/calendar-angular-view package is designed to work with Angular 11 and older versions, which use the View Engine rendering. Check Upgrading and Angular integration guides in documentation for more information (6270)
  • ANGULAR angular-7 demo has been upgraded to use Angular 11 and @bryntum/calendar-angular-view package. Demo is located in examples/frameworks/angular/angular-11 folder


  • 4516 – Calendar doesn’t accept project instance
  • 5532 – Fix documentation of Vue 3 demo documentation
  • 6498 – Allow application intervention in event positioning within DayView
  • 6583YearView doesn’t render recurring events which are allDay
  • 6612 – Duplicate tooltip renderer called
  • 6614 – + n more count incorrect when overflowing events start below the bottom of the cell
  • 6622DayView does not change date on header click

Version 5.3.2



  • Elements rendered by the TaskNonWorkingTime feature elements now trigger taskNonWorkingTimeClick, taskNonWorkingTimeDblClick and taskNonWorkingTimeContextMenu events on the Gantt instance. (5679)
  • There is a new Calendar event: beforeAutoCreate. This is a preventable event which fires before a UI-initiated create gesture is actioned. This allows a single point of validation for UI-initiated event creation (6472)
  • ScheduleMenu is now enabled by default, allowing easier event creation using context menu on empty schedule space.


  • 6395ANGULAR Cannot use StateProvider with a production build
  • 6417schedule<DomEvent> events do not bubble out of ResourceView to the Calendar
  • 6458 – Event dragging in Scheduler child mode does not relay onBeforeEventDrag event correctly
  • 6513 – Event tooltip should not show when double clicking event inside scheduler
  • 6514ScheduleMenu not working inside Scheduler mode
  • 6515 – Clicking EventList row for event who’s startDate is before visible range changes visible range

Version 5.3.1



  • Date parsing was made more forgiving in regard to character used to separate date parts. For example these strings are now all acceptable as HH:mm: 10:20, 10 20, 10-20, 10/20 (6344)


  • 6351 – Components do not render into containers not already in DOM
  • 6368MonthView event sorter gets order wrong

Version 5.3.0



  • CSS changes in Scheduler has cut the size of Calendar’s standalone CSS-bundles roughly in half (Calendar includes Schedulers styling to allow using Scheduler as a mode). See Schedulers upgrade guide for more information
  • Support for Time zone conversion has been added to all Bryntum scheduling products. Simply set a IANA time zone identifier as value for the timeZone config and that’s it. But, since time zones is not supported natively in JavaScript we strongly recommend to read our Time zone guide (1533)
  • Localization demos updated to show up-to-date localization approach
  • New TimeRanges feature, that shades time ranges and displays a header in the gutter of day and week views. Try it out in the new timeranges demo (5113)
  • AjaxHelper.fetch now supports using request body to pass parameters for non-GET requests. Please check addQueryParamsToBody argument in the method documentation (2855)
  • We have added support for resourceTimeRanges to be added to a project. These are rendered only into subviews of a ResourceView which have matching resource ids (5835)
  • DayView and WeekView have a new sixMinuteTicks config. When set to true, the time axis is subdivided into six minute ticks instead of the default five minute ticks (5645)
  • Lots (but not all) of the not so informative object types in our TypeScript typings have been replaced with more specific types. Objects that in our JavaScript are used as maps are now declared as Record<keyType, valueType>, and for functions that accept object arguments many are replaced with anonymous type declarations, such as { foo: string, bar: number } (Partially fixed 5176)
  • YearView and the Calendar’s datePicker may now show more than 4 dots when showEvents is 'dots' by setting the maxDots config on the year mode or the datePicker config. Note that increasing this value may produce a cluttered UI (6238)
  • YearView and the Calendar’s datePicker may now be configured with eventCountTip : true which causes a tooltip to appear to display the event count for the day when a cell is hovered


  • DEPRECATED LocaleManager.registerLocale and LocaleManager.extendLocale are deprecated. LocaleHelper.publishLocale should be used instead.
  • DayView‘s hourHeightBreakpoints now accepts an array of heights instead of an object. The object form is still supported, but might get deprecated in the future


  • Locales format and process for applying locales have been simplified
  • New locales for 31 languages have been added. Currently available languages are listed in the localization guide (Guides/Customization/Localization)


  • 4764 – Calendar multiEventSelect not working
  • 5988 – Calendar timezone demo UTC time incorrect
  • 6225 – Calendar collapses and expands event on each subsequent click or double click
  • 6255EventTooltip Placement Issue for Overlapping Events

Version 5.2.10



  • Added support for adding different core hours times for each day (6043)


  • Recently browsers have added support for Unicode 15, which changes the output of Intl.DateTimeFormat when formatting time to include AM/PM. Those browsers now use "thin space" (\u202f) instead of regular space. This affects the DateHelper.format() function, but likely you do not need to take any action in your application. It also affects DateHelper.parse(), which has been updated to support the new unicode space (6193)


  • 5791EventHelper‘s listeners for .b-using-keyboard break iOS dragging
  • 6177EventSelection‘s isEventSelectable not called by Calendar’s EventSelection mixin

Version 5.2.9



  • The event editor of the EventEdit feature may be reconfigured to not be a popup by configuring the editorConfig with floating : false or by adding an appendTo config. In this situation, the editor is displayed as a side-docked overlay. See the new docked-editor example. (5873)


  • 6019TypeScript Feature classes and configs have on event handlers exposed on owner class

Version 5.2.8



  • 5918DatePicker‘s month field does not update when locale changed at init time
  • 5934 – Agenda view shows events in wrong year
  • 5962 – Day zoom demo slider shows value with decimals when devicePixelRatio is not 1

Version 5.2.7



  • Internal code improvements and bugfixes

Version 5.2.6



  • REACT React wrapper now supports React components in widgets and tooltips (774)


  • 5789 – Determining whether an event is interDay must consult the view’s dayTime to handle shifted days
  • 5821constrainTo not applied unless component is shown using alignTo
  • 5827 – Error when navigating to view with event starting on hidden non working day

Version 5.2.5



  • ListView now offers a resourceColumn in which is displayed a read-only ChipView depicting the resources assigned to the event


  • The EventStore loadDateRange event would previously only fire when a different date range of events was requested from the store. Not as the documentation states "when a range of events is requested". This now fires whenever a date range of events is requested. A changed flag is set in the event if the range is a new date range


  • 3954 – Fixed dragging all-day events with dayStartShift in effect.
  • 4530loadOnDemand with sidebar date picker using showEvents : true causes an infinite loop
  • 4920 – Calendar throws error when dragging event from overflow popup
  • 5672 – Double click on calendar date throws exception
  • 5685 – Non-draggable events are draggable in overflow popup
  • 5763loadOnDemand feature needs refresh method
  • 5780 – ICS export datetime stamp is not UTC

Version 5.2.4



  • We recently launched a new homepage over at, and have now slightly updated the styling for demos and docs to better match it (new logo, new header color, new font). Please note that this is not a change to our themes, only the look of the demos, and it won’t affect your application


  • 2125 – Recurrence edit confirmation should not be displayed when drag creating a recurring event
  • 4220 – Fixed calendar drag create in day/week view on DST days.
  • 5595 – Fix panel collapse icon directions
  • 5606 – Calendar events duplicated in UI when events start date is changed.

Older versions

  • Full release version history can be found here.