Our pure JavaScript Scheduler component

Post by piotr.pysk »

I have an issue which I was able to reproduce on one of your demos.
If you change the config of select option 'week' to

  value      : 'week',
  text       : 'Week',
  startDate  : new Date(2019, 1, 1),
  endDate    : new Date(2019, 1, 8),
  viewPreset : {
        base              : 'secondAndMinute',
        timeResolution    : {
                 unit      : 'minute',
                  increment : 1
} }

Scheduler hangs for a long time. The wider the timespan the longer it takes to render it. Is there anything I can do with it to make it work better?

Post by Maxim Gorkovsky »

In that demo we first change the view preset and then change time span. For example, when you switch from month preset to your custom seconds present, scheduler is trying to render 3 months worth of seconds. Usage should be optimized to your scenario. I would recommend to use https://bryntum.com/docs/gantt/api/Scheduler/view/Scheduler#function-zoomToLevel which accepts both preset and future date range.

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