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Before resize you save record.getStartDate()/record.getEndDate() in a property of your scheduler, or in a place you think fits better for this. You can save them somewhere in your editor (but clean up them when the editor gets closed). First argument in beforeeventresize is view. So calling view.get...
Actually Terence's approach looks more solid to me since you don't apply changes before you press Save in Editor. However it's up to you the way to go.
Hello, You can save your time info on beforeeventresize , and set it back to the record in onCancelClick. Please keep in mind it's private function. To hook into onCancelClick, you need to specify it in editorConfig something like this: { ptype : 'scheduler_editorwindow', editorConfig : { onCancelCl...

We do not support the modern toolkit. If you want to create a universal app please require the bryntum packages in the classic section. ... sencha_cmd (Universal applications)
Each sample has it's own index.html where we include js and css files required for the sample. Both Ext and Bryntum. There you can try to change paths to 6.6: <!--Ext JS styles and scripts --> <link href="../../../extjs-6.6.0/build/classic/theme-triton/resources/theme-triton-all.css" rel=&...
Hello, As far as I can see it has nothing to do with ext 6.6. We need a proper test case and steps how to reproduce the issue. Otherwise we can't assist. The error “Unknown definition for dependency” is not about Scheduler dependencies. It's about ext dependencies: how you include classes into your ...
I can see you are using Ext Gantt Pro 4.2.3. I think this will be available for 5x only, so you'll need to upgrade. I cannot provide any expectation date. I just put it on the roadmap. But you can always contact sales at to prioritize it.
We have made a note to improve the column picker in the future:
You can override it by Sencha approach: Ext.define(null, { override : 'Sch.mixin.TimelinePanel', // this method is copied from our sources except of one line applyStartEndDatesFromStore : function () { var store = this....
Yes, sure. But in this case you have to specify some start/end dates when you create you Gantt panel to avoid applyStartEndDatesFromStore method calling. Then implement your logic and set start/end dates based on your calculations via setTimeSpan method.