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It's only a header cell. How complex can it be? Is it not possible to just add some properties to the DomConfig object?

Probably just refine that to not create a new Popup on every click. Only create it if it doesn't already exist - stash it somewhere so it can be used next time.

Dod you try adding a sync URL?

Yes, for your load. So I assume your sync URL is left as null (or "nil"), and I'm just guessing that something is objecting to that.

So set the sync URl to something syntactically correct, even if you are not using it.

I'm just guessing of course. This seems to be an iOS error message.

Further update.

This change has been moved into the 6.0.0 product timeframe.

The alpha for that is planned soon, so you will be able to get a version to test as soon as the alpha release is announced.

Try configuring a syntactically valid sync URL into the transport.

Are you sure you need a Calendar then? You could just use a naked MonthView since you seem to be using the word to refer to a MonthView.

I will run some tests to see if a MonthView is able to shrink wrap its auto heighted week rows. If possible, I will create a Codepen to show it.

You are completely in control of loading the data?

So all you have is a single DayView?

And on dateRangeChange, you pull in events for that one date?

Just keep track of what dates you already have data for in a Map.

You need to just keep a Map of the dates you've loaded keyed by DateHelper.makeKey(theDate)