Welcoming Andrey Kozlov To The RootCause Team
Hello, everyone! I’m Andrey Kozlov, a full stack developer and I recently joined Bryntum to work on the RootCause product. In my past I’ve worked a great deal with javascript, and I’ve been using Ext JS since 2007.
In my past role as principal software developer, I’ve always seen a lot of value in logging javascript errors. Without a good monitoring system it’s just too hard to keep up with errors and helping users who report bugs is too time consuming. Having a good dashboard with overview, trends and the ability to mark a bug as resolved certainly helps developers to fight bugs in production. What is unique about RootCause is that we can fast forward the debugging process and reproduce a bug in a few minutes and know what the user did to trigger the error. This is very inspiring for any developer who is involved in the customer support process. No more manual tedious sending of emails or requesting screenshots.
I’m very inspired to get started and I’ll use my experience to improve the RootCause logger and dashboard and I already have many ideas of how we can make it even more powerful. If you have any questions for me, send me and email or find me in our forums!
Happy debugging! 🙂