Dropping Support For IE 11 And Legacy MS Edge
Effective May 1st 2021, Bryntum will no longer support IE11 or legacy MS Edge for any of our products. We will however continue supporting the modern version of the Edge browser.
Why are we dropping IE support?
The decision to stop supporting IE is aligned with Microsoft´s IE11 End Of Life announcement. The cost for us to keep IE 11 supported for a fraction of our customer base is simply too high. As of this announcement, moving forward we will only fix critical bugs for IE until May 1st.
What to do if your users use Internet Explorer or legacy MS Edge?
We recommend you to start informing your users today about upgrading to a modern browser. Our products support Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Edge (Blink based version). Your users will enjoy a much faster and better user experience after upgrading.
If you have any questions on migrating away from IE 11, please don’t hesitate to contact us anytime.