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Class implementing resource allocation report - a data representing the provided resource utilization in the provided period of time. The data is grouped by the provided time intervals


  • BaseAllocationInfo
    • ResourceAllocationInfo




allocation: any

The collected allocation info.


graph: Replica

A reference to the graph, this entity belongs to. Initially empty, and is populated when the entity instance is added to the replica (Replica.addEntity)


includeInactiveEvents: boolean

Set to true to include inactive events allocation and false to skip inactive events (default).


Resource to build collect the utilization info of.


Ticks to group allocation by. This also specifies the time period to collect allocation for. So the first tick startDate is treated as the period start and the last tick endDate is the period end.



  • get $(): {}
  • An object, which properties corresponds to the ChronoGraph Identifiers, created for every field.

    For example:

    class Author extends Entity.mix(Base) {
        firstName       : string
        lastName        : string
    const author = Author.new()
    // identifier for the field `firstName`
    const firstName = replica.read(author.$.firstName)

    Returns {}


  • A graph identifier, that represents the whole entity.

    Returns EntityIdentifier


  • An EntityMeta instance, representing the "meta" information about the entity class. It is shared among all instances of the class.

    Returns EntityMeta

Static $entity

  • An EntityMeta instance, representing the "meta" information about the entity class. It is shared among all instances of the class.

    Returns EntityMeta



  • This is a convenience method, that just delegates to the ChronoGraph.commit method of this entity's graph.

    If there's no graph (entity has not been added to any replica) a CommitZero constant will be returned.


    Returns CommitResult


  • This is a convenience method, that just delegates to the ChronoGraph.commitAsync method of this entity's graph.

    If there's no graph (entity has not been added to any replica) a resolved promise with CommitZero constant will be returned.


    Returns Promise<CommitResult>


  • enterGraph(replica: Replica): void
  • This method is called when entity is added to some replica.


    Returns void


  • initialize<T>(props?: Partial<T>): void
  • This method applies its 1st argument (if any) to the current instance using Object.assign().

    Supposed to be overridden in the subclasses to customize the instance creation process.

    Type parameters


    • Optional props: Partial<T>

    Returns void


  • This method is called when entity is removed from the replica it's been added to.


    Returns void

Static new

  • new<T>(this: T, props?: Partial<InstanceType<T>>): InstanceType<T>
  • This is a type-safe static constructor method, accepting a single argument, with the object, corresponding to the class properties. It will generate a compilation error, if unknown property is provided.

    For example:

    class MyClass extends Base {
        prop     : string
    const instance : MyClass = MyClass.new({ prop : 'prop', wrong : 11 })

    will produce:

    TS2345: Argument of type '{ prop: string; wrong: number; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Partial<MyClass>'.
    Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'wrong' does not exist in type 'Partial<MyClass>'

    The only thing this constructor does is create an instance and call the initialize method on it, forwarding the first argument. The customization of instance is supposed to be performed in that method.

    Type parameters


    • this: T
    • Optional props: Partial<InstanceType<T>>

    Returns InstanceType<T>

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