Our flexible Kanban board for managing tasks with drag drop

Post by tmcuong »

How can I replace task editor.
I do as calendar but taskboard is not raise event when I click

[columns]="taskBoardConfig.columns" (onCellClick) = "onTaskBoardCellClick($event)" tooltip = "My cool Bryntum TaskBoard component" (onDataChange) = "syncData($event)" (onCatchAll) = "onTaskBoardEvents($event)"
this.taskBoardConfig = {         
useDomTransition : true,
features : { columnToolbars : true, columnHeaderMenu : true, taskEdit : { items : { category : { type : 'combo', items : [ 'Administrative', 'DevOps', 'Devs' ], name : 'category', label : 'Category', weight : 150 } } } },
headerItems : { resourceAvatars : { type : 'resourceAvatars' } }, footerItems : { resourceAvatars : null }, columns : [ 'todo', 'doing', 'done' ], // Field used to pair a task to a column columnField : 'status', // bodyItems : { // tags : { type : 'tags' } // }, // Project using inline data project : { tasksData : [ { id : 1, name : 'Task 1', status : 'doing', description : 'Lorum ipsum bacon', tags : 'bug,reproduced' }, { id : 2, name : 'Task 2', status : 'doing', description : 'Lorum ipsum bacon', tags : 'bug,reproduced' }, { id : 3, name : 'Task 3', status : 'doing', description : 'Lorum ipsum bacon', tags : 'bug,reproduced' }, { id : 4, name : 'Task 4', status : 'doing', description : 'Lorum ipsum bacon', tags : 'bug,reproduced' } ], resourcesData : [ { id : 1, name : 'Angelo', image : 'angelo.jpg' }, { id : 2, name : 'Celia', image : 'celia.jpg' }, { id : 3, name : 'Dave', image : 'dave.jpg' } ], assignmentsData : [ { id : 1, event : 1, resource : 1 } ] }, listeners : { cellClick(e) { alert('cellClick'); console.log('cellClick', e); } } } ngAfterViewInit(): void { this.taskboard = this.taskboardComponent.instance;
this.taskboard.on('beforeEventEdit', this.beforeEventEdit.bind(this)); } onTaskBoardCellClick(e) : void {
alert(1); console.log('onCellClick', e); } beforeEventEdit({ editor, eventRecord }): boolean { alert(1); return false; }
onTaskBoardEvents(event: Record<string, any>): void {
// Uncomment the code in this method to start "logging" events switch (event.type) { case 'beforeEventEdit': break; case 'daterangechange': break; case 'aftereventsave': break; case 'beforeeventdelete': console.log(event.eventRecords); console.log(`Events removed: ${event.eventRecords.map(eventRecord => eventRecord.name).join(',')}`); this.taskService.deleteTask(event.eventRecords.id).subscribe(item => { }); break; default: break; } }

Post by alex.l »

We don't yet have such event for TaskBoard, but we have a ticket to add this: https://github.com/bryntum/support/issues/3714

Try to use https://www.bryntum.com/docs/taskboard/api/TaskBoard/feature/TaskEdit#config-processItems and return false from it.

All the best,

Post by tmcuong »

I used this code it works

 // close dialog and save back to taskBoard
 SaveData(modal) {   
this.editingRecord.taskRecord.set({ name: 'hello', description: 'description'
}); modal.dismiss(); }
beforeEventEdit(editor): boolean {
this.editingRecord = editor; this.openDialog(this.contentPopup); return false; }
ngAfterViewInit(): void { this.taskboard = this.taskboardComponent.instance;
this.taskboard.on('taskClick', this.beforeEventEdit.bind(this)); }


Post by saki »

We are glad that you have found the solution. Continue to ask please if there is anything we can help you with.

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