Our powerful JS Calendar component

Post by Animal »

It depends what you call the panel.

If you call it datePicker then it will take its place.

Post by luiscloud »

No, i have a structure like this (is example, i build it dinamically):

 export const calendarConfigBase = {
    cls: 'calendar-cls',
    bodyCls: 'calendar-body-cls',
    mode: 'month',
    weekStartDay: 1,
    autoCreate: false,
    sidebar : {
      cls: 'sidebar-cls',
      bodyCls: 'sidebar-body-cls',
      items : {
        eventFilter : null,
        addNew: {
          weight: 0,
          type: 'button',
          text: 'Crear',
          icon: 'b-fa b-fa-plus',
          cls: 'add-button-cls',
          menuIcon: null,
          menu : [
              text : i18n.global.t('calendar.event'),
              onItem : 'up.createCustomEvent'
            }, {
                text :  i18n.global.t('calendar.task'),
                onItem : 'up.createTask'
            }, {
                text :  i18n.global.t('calendar.sendSchedule'),
                onItem : 'up.sendSchedule'
       calendarsFilter: {
	        weight: 300, 
        	type: 'panel',
        	title: panelLabel,
       		collapsible : true,
        	cls: 'panel-cls',
        	bodyCls: 'panel-body-cls',
        	itemCls: 'panel-item-cls',
        	items: [
        	       type: 'checkbox',
    			text: checkText,
    			value: checkValue, 
    			cls: 'checkbox-cls',
    			listeners: {
      				change: `up.${checkListener}`,
      				args: [checkValue]

Inside calendarsFilter there are a lot of checkbox, all render fine except default mini calendar on sidebar dissappear

I search his id "b-datepicker-1" but it isnt on html

A image with checkbox:

A image without checkbox panel:

I add checkbox dinamically with this function (dont know if there are a better way)

export const addCheckboxFiltersSectionToCalendarConfig = ({
}) => {
  let items = {}
  calendars.map(v => {
    const checked = selectedCalendars.includes(v.uuid)
    return items[v[optValue]] = addCheckboxFilterToCalendar(v[optLabel], v[optValue], checked, optListener)
  const filtersSidebarConfig = { 
    items: {
      [panelKey]: {
        weight: 300, 
        type: 'panel',
        title: panelLabel,
        collapsible : true,
        cls: 'panel-cls',
        bodyCls: 'panel-body-cls',
        itemCls: 'panel-item-cls',
  const clonedSidebarConfig = _clondeDeep(calendarConfig.sidebar)
  const newConfigSidebar = _merge(clonedSidebarConfig, filtersSidebarConfig)
  calendarConfig.sidebar = newConfigSidebar

Post by alex.l »

I tried to add some panel into sidebar in one of our online examples and I am able to see all components. Would be nice to have opportunity to reproduce this. Could you attach a runnable test case, please? Check the result of your _merge method for beginning.

And what do you mean "dinamically"? This configuration may only be used as an initial config.

All the best,

Post by luiscloud »

"dinamically" is that i load calendar component, and in onMounted i call a EP to get all user calendars, and after i have to add the sidebar checkbox with the different calendars obtained from API.

What is the correct form to add elements to sidebar after of component mount?

_merge come with all props merged, but in sidebar, i dont add any calendar, is default sidebar component, true? How can i add programatically?

Post by Animal »

Dynamically meaning you set the sidebar property to a value?

If the sidebar has already been created, you must use the API.


Add your new thing.

    weight : 300,
    ref    : 'theNameInWidgetMap',
    type   : 'panel',
    title  : 'The title',
    items  : {

Post by luiscloud »

Thanks, all appear now.

But now when i collapse the panel, the panel button go to the bottom of sidebar instead stay nexto previous widget (mini calendar).

It is normal? Is for weight 300? How can i put it next to the calendar when panel is collapsed

Post by Animal »

I don't get your meaning. Try some screenshots

Post by luiscloud »


Post by Maxim Gorkovsky »

I don't see how this screenshot is much different from ones you posted above. Could you please elaborate on what you expect to see here? Runnable test case would be perfect.

Post by luiscloud »

Yes, I will try to explain better.

This is the "Calendarios" panel expanded (unfold):

And the prev message capture is "Calendarios" panel collapsed (fold) . When collapsed the button go to the bottom of sidebar, I dont know why. How can i fix it, to move it under the sidebar calendar widget?

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