Our powerful JS Calendar component

Post by freeplusxx03 »

I'm with the same trouble, when I used Scheduler component there was a method onSchedulerEvents(). When I inserted this code all changes in calendar fell into that method:

onSchedulerEvents(event: any) {
        //   // catch scheduler events here, for example when dropping an event:
        //   if (event.type === 'eventdrop') {
        //     console.log('Drop: ', event);
        //   }
        //   // or when editing one:
        //   if (event.type === 'eventschange') {
        //     console.log('EventStore: ', event);
        //   }
        //   // or when editing a resource:
        //   if (event.type === 'resourceschange') {
        //     console.log('ResourceStore: ', event);
        //   }

In Calendar Component doesn't exists this method?

Post by pmiklashevich »

onSchedulerEvents is a custom method which was designed for Angular wrapper we created for Scheduler component to show the power of catching all events. The name can be any, it's not a part of our API. To see if the catchAll listener is set, please go to the wrapper file you're using and search for "catchAll". As far as I can see calendar.component.ts has "onCalendarEvents" set up for the catchAll.

Please see https://www.bryntum.com/docs/calendar/#Core/mixin/Events docs and "Catching all events" section at the beginning.

Pavlo Miklashevych
Sr. Frontend Developer

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