Our state of the art Gantt chart

Post by shimnx »

I disabled multiple selection in the column, but I can still select multiple in the popbox after right clicking edit, how can I disable multiple selection in the popbox

{  type: 'resourceassignment', width: 120, showAvatars: true,

    editor: {
        listeners: {
            change({ store, action, records }) {
                // console.log(records);
                // (window as any).GanttComponent.component.SaveGanttChange(this.project.inlineData)
        picker: {
            height: 350,
            width: 450,
            selectionMode: {
                rowCheckboxSelection: true,
                multiSelect: false,
                showCheckAll: false,


            features: {
                filterBar: true,
                group: 'resource.dep',
                headerMenu: false,
                cellMenu: false,
            // The extra columns are concatenated onto the base column set.
            columns: [{
                text: 'Calendar',
                // Read a nested property (name) from the resource calendar
                field: 'resource.name',
                filterable: false,
                editor: false,
                width: 85,

屏幕截图 2022-05-12 165541.png
屏幕截图 2022-05-12 165541.png (35.59 KiB) Viewed 198 times
屏幕截图 2022-05-12 164651.png
屏幕截图 2022-05-12 164651.png (56.3 KiB) Viewed 198 times

Post by alex.l »

Here is the guide how to customize task editor: https://bryntum.com/docs/gantt/guide/Gantt/customization/taskedit#customizing-the-tabs-and-the-fields
You need to hide built-in resourceTab and create your own tab (or add combo to General tab instead) with resource selection UI.

We have an example of customizing taskEditor here https://bryntum.com/examples/gantt/taskeditor/

All the best,

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