Our state of the art Gantt chart

Post by vivianus »

I want to use Splitter to implement page partition, as shown in the example:

EB8A5B26-F8CE-4eeb-84EF-91C2D9A32B61.png (136.25 KiB) Viewed 539 times

And I also refer to it: https://codepen.io/pen/?__resourceRoot=https%3A%2F%2Fbryntum.com%2Fdocs%2Fgantt%2F%23Core%2Fwidget%2FSplitter%23property-currentOrientation&editors=001

my code:

	<div style={{display: "flex", alignItems: "stretch"}}>
                    Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet venison beef alcatra spare ribs 		porchetta biltong. Fatback pork loin tri-tip tongue ground round. Pastrami capicola
                    bresaola beef pancetta beef ribs porchetta kevin kielbasa pork prosciutto short ribs short loin tail. Shoulder beef strip steak bresaola, ham pastrami shankle
                    picanha salami venison bacon kevin tail.
                <div ref={el => (this.el = el)}></div>
                    Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet short ribs cupim ribeye corned beef shank. Andouille boudin short ribs shank brisket tenderloin, kielbasa drumstick strip
                    steak pork porchetta pig. Beef pastrami sirloin salami capicola, t-bone beef ribs doner. Beef strip steak burgdoggen ham hock, meatloaf tongue corned beef
                    kevin. Drumstick boudin turkey hamburger ground round prosciutto.
componentDidMount() { new Splitter({ appendTo: this.el }) }

Unfortunately, it didn't work.My version is 2.1.0. Is there any difference in the usage of my version?

Post by mats »

Splitter is a simple widget that you use just like any other widgets. You can learn a lot just by looking at our demos which uses Splitter.

new Splitter({
    appendTo : 'main'

Or just read docs here:


Post by vivianus »

Thanks,I did it.

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