Premium support for our pure JavaScript UI components

Post by asd »


With the below code from local example set when I add the columns after the scheduler is loaded am getting the error. This is happening with 4.2.4 version. Can you confirm if this was issue with 4.2.4?

import '../_shared/shared.js'; // not required, our example styling etc.
import DateHelper from '../../lib/Core/helper/DateHelper.js';
import Scheduler from '../../lib/Scheduler/view/Scheduler.js';
import StringHelper from '../../lib/Core/helper/StringHelper.js';
import '../../lib/Scheduler/feature/TimeRanges.js';
import '../../lib/Scheduler/column/ResourceInfoColumn.js';

    styleNode            = document.createElement('style'),
    setAnimationDuration = value => {
        scheduler.transitionDuration = value;
        styleNode.innerHTML = `.b-grid-row,.b-sch-event-wrap { transition-duration: ${value / 1000}s !important; }`;


const scheduler = new Scheduler({
    appendTo          : 'container',
    eventColor        : null,
    resourceImagePath : '../_shared/images/users/',
    columns: [{
            field: 'manufacturer',
            text: 'Manufacturer',
            region: 'left'


features : {
    timeRanges : true

crudManager : {
    autoLoad  : true,
    transport : {
        load : {
            url : 'data/data.json'
    // This config enables responses validation and dumping of found errors to the browser console.
    // It's meant to be used as a development stage helper only so please set it to false for production systems.
    validateResponse : true

barMargin : 1,
rowHeight : 50,

startDate  : new Date(2017, 1, 7, 8),
endDate    : new Date(2017, 1, 7, 18),
viewPreset : 'hourAndDay',

useInitialAnimation : 'slide-from-left',

tbar : [
        type        : 'slider',
        ref         : 'duration',
        text        : 'Animation duration ',
        min         : 0,
        max         : 3000,
        value       : 500,
        step        : 200,
        showValue   : false,
        showTooltip : true,
        onChange    : ({ value }) => setAnimationDuration(value)
        type  : 'buttongroup',
        items : [
                type     : 'button',
                text     : 'Max 1hr meetings',
                onAction : () => {
                    scheduler.eventStore.query(task => task.eventType === 'Meeting').forEach(task => task.duration = Math.min(task.duration, 1));
                type     : 'button',
                text     : 'After lunch',
                onAction : () => {
                        eventStore      = scheduler.eventStore,
                        lunchFinishTime ='lunch').endDate;

                    eventStore.query(task => task.eventType === 'Meeting').forEach(task => task.startDate = DateHelper.max(task.startDate, lunchFinishTime));
        type     : 'button',
        text     : 'Random update',
        onAction : async() => {
            if (scheduler.isEngineReady) {
                    { eventStore } = scheduler,
                    nbrToAnimate   = Math.min(eventStore.count, 4);

                // Grab a bunch of random events to change
                for (let i = 0; i < nbrToAnimate; i++) {
                        index = Math.floor(Math.random() * eventStore.count),
                        event = eventStore.getAt(index);

                        resourceId : (scheduler.resourceStore.indexOf(event.resource) + 2) % 8 + 1,
                        startDate  : DateHelper.add(event.startDate, event.startDate.getHours() % 2 ? 1 : -1, 'hour')
        type       : 'button',
        text       : 'Initial animation',
        icon       : 'b-fa-sliders-h',
        toggleable : true,
        menu       : {
            onItem       : ({ item }) => scheduler.restartInitialAnimation(item.animation),
            onBeforeShow : ({ source: menu }) => {
       => item.disabled = scheduler.useInitialAnimation === item.animation);
            items : [
                    text      : 'Fade in',
                    icon      : 'b-fa b-fa-play',
                    animation : 'fade-in'
                    text      : 'Slide from left',
                    icon      : 'b-fa b-fa-play',
                    animation : 'slide-from-left'
                    text      : 'Slide from top',
                    icon      : 'b-fa b-fa-play',
                    animation : 'slide-from-top'
                    text      : 'Zoom in',
                    icon      : 'b-fa b-fa-play',
                    animation : 'zoom-in'
                    text      : 'Custom',
                    icon      : 'b-fa b-fa-play',
                    cls       : 'b-separator',
                    animation : 'custom'


setTimeout(() => {
const columns = [
            field: 'model',
            text: 'Model',
            region: 'middle'
            field: 'month',
            text: 'month',
            region: 'middle'
        }, {
            field: 'year',
            text: 'Year',
            region: 'middle'

], index) => {
      scheduler.columns.insert(index + 1, column);
}, 1000); 

Please note this issue is working with 4.3.0 version.But we haven't upgraded it yet.

Post by mats »

loaded am getting the error

Please always include the full error message when posting error reports and we'll try to help.

Post by asd »

Attaching screenshot of error

Screen Shot 2021-10-19 at 11.54.35 AM.png
Screen Shot 2021-10-19 at 11.54.35 AM.png (172.46 KiB) Viewed 1900 times

Post by mats »

Yes this is confirmed fixed!

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