Premium support for our pure JavaScript UI components

Post by rahulranjan »

Hi In gantt i am able to see roll up value at parent level i too want to get it display in grid.
Roll UP SEND.png
Roll UP SEND.png (36.43 KiB) Viewed 840 times

Post by mats »

Sorry it's not clear what you need, please provide a simple test case which illustrates your issue.

Post by rahulranjan »

As you can see there are BaseLine Start and BaseLine Finish column in gantt grid. The values are only shown at child level of parent as for each child i am passing from backend. Apart from that i have startDate and endDate at level which i am passing from backend and in gantt view tooltips shows the value at parent level which gantt is auto rolling .same roll up i want to do at grid for any column for now let us base Line start and base Line finish date. Attach is project and above thread you can find screen shot. It is angular Project
(1.81 MiB) Downloaded 94 times

Post by sergey.maltsev »


We have new AggregateColumn which is available in latest nightly build at CustomerZone suffixed with -next.
You could use function column config to provide your own aggregation method.
Demo can be found in distribution package in examples/aggregation-column

Also you could check this sample code which aggregates cost value and replace code inside on('update', ({ record, changes }) method to obtain your data from children.
class MyTaskModel extends TaskModel {
    static get fields() {
        return [
            { name : 'cost', type : 'number' }

    project = new ProjectModel({
        taskModelClass : MyTaskModel,
        transport      : {
            load : {
                url : '../_datasets/launch-saas.json'

    gantt = new Gantt({
        appendTo : 'container',
        project  : project,
        columns  : [
            { type : 'name', field : 'name', width : 250 },
            { type : 'startdate' },
            { type : 'duration' },
                type       : 'number',
                text       : 'Cost<br><span style="font-size:0.8em">(aggregated)</span>',
                align      : 'right',
                field      : 'cost',
                width      : 100,
                htmlEncode : false,
                renderer   : ({ record, value }) => record.isLeaf ? `$${value}` : `<b>$${value}</b>`
        features : {
            taskEdit : {
                editorConfig : {
                    height     : '37em',
                    extraItems : {
                        generaltab : [
                                html    : '',
                                ref     : 'costGroup',
                                dataset : {
                                    text : 'Cost'
                                cls  : 'b-divider',
                                flex : '1 0 100%'
                                type  : 'number',
                                ref   : 'costField',
                                name  : 'cost',
                                label : 'Cost',
                                flex  : '.5 0',
                                cls   : 'b-inline'
        listeners : {
            // Disable Cost editing for parent tasks
            beforeCellEditStart : ({ editorContext }) => editorContext.record.isLeaf,
            beforeTaskEdit      : ({ taskRecord }) => {
                gantt.taskEdit.editor.widgetMap.costField.disabled = !taskRecord.isLeaf;

project.load().then(() => {
    const rndGen = new RandomGenerator();
    // Set random cost for each child task
    gantt.taskStore.traverse(task => {
        task.cost = task.isLeaf ? rndGen.nextRandom(100) : 0;

// Listen to update events on taskStore to calculate sum for customField
project.taskStore.on('update', ({ record, changes }) => {
    const parent = record.parent;

    // Sum parent's children values when record's field is changed and record has parent node
    if (changes.cost && parent) {
        // Children for parent node or empty array for record without children
        const children = parent && parent.children || [];
        parent.cost    = children.reduce((a, v) => {
            // If record has no field then we use 0 value
            return a + parseInt(v.cost || 0);
        // Initial value is 0

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