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Post by Dev_Coppelis »

I'm downloaded the gantt-pro-5.1.8 and when i replaced the gantt-all-debug.js the gantt display without advanced tool bar and their are no errors in consol
screencapture-localhost-16701-fr-Project-Details-1009-Sx-1511296890374.png (62.97 KiB) Viewed 6356 times

Post by mats »

We could not reproduce this issue. To assist you with your question, please provide more details including a runnable test case (as described in our support guidelines).

To get the fastest possible support, provide a simple test case based on our standard examples.

Post by Dev_Coppelis »

I was using the demo version gantt-pro-5.1.5-trial, and i asked you to make a sample to add the MPP file in advanced view with .NET and you provided it and it worked good now i purchased the license and download the gantt-pro-5.1.8 and replaced the gantt-all-debug.js with the licensed version after this the advanced view displayed without the advanced tool bar

Post by mats »

Ok, please provide a simple sample showing this defect.

Post by Dev_Coppelis »

Yes we will provide a sample.
But to make it simple, can you provide the same .net code you've provided before, working with gantt-pro-5.1.8 ?

Post by Dev_Coppelis »

Please find below URL to download file that contains your demo that include the license files from gantt-pro-5.1.8 ( gantt-all-debug.js and examles_logging.js)

Note: the password is the same as you sent to me.

Post by Maxim Gorkovsky »

Problem is this line:
header     : Gnt.panel.Timeline ? null : {xtype: 'controlheader'},
When you use gnt-all-debug.js from pro version you get Gnt.panel.Timeline in the namespace. Just remove the condition, or uncomment code between "/* @cut-if-gantt -> */ " tags to enable timeline like in our online demo.

Post by Dev_Coppelis »

Thanks it's working now.
I have another issue, i changed the date format in Gnt/locale/Fr.js to be "d/m/Y" it all columns contains date format but when i make a copy from end date to baseline end or start date the format changed to m/d/y.
you can find this issue in uploaded demo in the previous message.

Post by Maxim Gorkovsky »

You have to specify date format on the column:
columns: [{
  xtype: 'startdatecolumn',
  dateFormat: 'd/m/Y'

Post by Dev_Coppelis »

I did this on all columns but still have the same problem
 columns : [
        { xtype : 'dragdropcolumn' },
            xtype     : 'namecolumn',
            width     : 200,
            layout    : 'vbox',
            items     : {
                xtype : 'gantt-filter-field'
            xtype     : 'startdatecolumn',
            width     : 130,
            dataIndex : 'StartDate',
            filter    : {
                type : 'date'
            format: 'd/m/Y'
            xtype     : 'enddatecolumn',
            width     : 130,
            dataIndex : 'EndDate',
            filter    : {
                type : 'date'
            format: 'd/m/Y'
            xtype     : 'durationcolumn',
            width     : 100
        // Uncomment to try this column
        //    xtype : 'deadlinecolumn'
            xtype     : 'constrainttypecolumn'
            xtype     : 'constraintdatecolumn'
            xtype     : 'percentdonecolumn',
            width     : 100,
            dataIndex : 'PercentDone',
            filter    : {
                type : 'number'
            xtype             : 'predecessorcolumn',
            useSequenceNumber : true
            xtype: 'baselinestartdatecolumn',
            width: 130,
            dataIndex: 'BaselineStartDate',
            filter: {
                type: 'date'
            format: 'd/m/Y'
            xtype: 'baselineenddatecolumn',
            width: 130,
            dataIndex: 'BaselineEndDate',
            filter: {
                type: 'date'
            format: 'd/m/Y'
            xtype : 'addnewcolumn'

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