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Post by jakub »

We need some more info from you to be able to help : what version of Ext have you finally decided to use ? What versions of our components are you using ? Are your working on the example cases ? Give us a step-by-step walkthrough to reproduce this error.
JavaScript/Angular/ExtJS consulting -

Post by Chandrashekhar27 »

var genres = new{
    reader: new{
      root: 'd',
       fields : [
                { name: 'Startdate' },
                { name: 'EndDate'}]
    proxy: new{
        url: 'webservices/Tasks.asmx/Get',

    autoLoad: true
genres[returns only one row] contain start and End date columns

I want to assign satrt date to one variable
like var s=startDate

how to assign startdate value to variable from "genres "??

Post by jakub »

Do you mean, that genres store has only one record ? If yes , you can do it like :
var record = genres.getAt(0),
    s     = record.get('startDate');
JavaScript/Angular/ExtJS consulting -

Post by Chandrashekhar27 »


Actulally i want to pass "startdate" and "enddate" to chart dynamically.....
  startDate : new Date(2010,0,4),   //here i want pass dates dynamically
            endDate : Sch.util.Date.add(new Date(2010,0,4), Sch.util.Date.WEEK, 20), 
 createGantt: function () {
        //        var start = new Date(),
        //            end = Sch.util.Date.add(start, Sch.util.Date.WEEK, 20);

[color=#8000FF]Here i want pass dates dynmically...mean from database...[/color]
     [color=#FF0000]   var start1 = '01/01/2012'; // Ext.get('ext').dom.value;
        var end1 = '01/01/2013'//Ext.get('end').dom.value;


        var taskStore = new App.TaskStore(),
            dependencyStore = new App.DependencyStore();

        var start = new Date(start1);

        var end = new Date(end1);
 = createBuffered(, 500, taskStore);

        taskStore.on('exception', function () {
            Ext.Msg.alert('Error', 'An error occurred during a task store request');

        dependencyStore.on('exception', function () {
            //  Ext.Msg.alert('Error', 'An error occurred during a dependency store request');

        var g = new App.MyGanttPanel({
            startDate: start,
            endDate: end,
            viewPreset: 'weekAndDayLetter',
            taskStore: taskStore,
            dependencyStore: dependencyStore


        return g;

i taking dates from database using following code....
 var genres = new{
        reader: new{
            root: 'd',
            fields: [
                { name: 'StartDate', type: 'date', dateFormat: 'M$' },
                { name: 'EndDate', type: 'date', dateFormat: 'M$'}]

      disableCaching: false,    proxy: new{
            url: 'webservices/GetProject.asmx/Get'

    , autoLoad: true

var record=geners.getAt(0),

not working...

Please can u tell me hw to pass dates dynamically to set timeline for chart....

its urgent ....

Post by Chandrashekhar27 »

And another issues....

I am using your gantt chart component[licenses purchased] in web application

i need to display gantt chart in centre of the page which has master page....
using following code
  var vp = new Ext.Viewport({
            layout : 'border',
            items : [
                    region : 'north',
                    contentEl : 'north',
                    padding: '15px'
it display the chart ....but we cant see the master page contents ....

how to display chart in center of the page[in child page]....

please suggest me....

Post by jakub »

Can you be more specific on are you trying to achieve then ? Does this call to genres store return proper dates ?

Regarding setting dates WHEN INITIALIZING Gantt : user 'prodda' gave the proper answer here . The other way would be to pass those values to Gantt constructor ie :
var g = Ext.create('Gnt.panel.Gantt', {
    startDate: yourStartDate,
    endDate: yourEndDate
JavaScript/Angular/ExtJS consulting -

Post by jakub »

As for your second question - you are trying to add gantt to an existing page ? What is the layout of your page and in which element you want to have it rendered ? The easiest solution that comes to my mind would be rendering panel to a specified DOM element , ie if your desired holder for gantt has id=chart :
or add contentEl to configuration of your viewport :
  var vp = new Ext.Viewport({
            layout : 'border',
            contentEl: 'chart',
            items : [
                    region : 'north',
                    contentEl : 'north',
                    padding: '15px'
JavaScript/Angular/ExtJS consulting -

Post by Chandrashekhar27 »

Thank u....

Its working... :D

I am using ExtJs 3.4 gantt chart......

after adding successor or predecessor ....dependency direction [arrow mark] is disappearing....

and "An error occurred during a dependency store request" alert message will display....

i have checked in Javascript console[google chrome]......

following exception is coming................
System.InvalidOperationException: Create Web Service method name is not valid.
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.HttpServerProtocol.Initialize()
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.ServerProtocolFactory.Create(Type type, HttpContext context, HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response, Boolean& abortProcessing)

"Create" method is there and it working fine.....

Please suggest me how to fix....


Post by nickolay »

Sorry, we can not provide any help regarding your backend.

Post by Chandrashekhar27 »


How to refresh single row after updating[editing] column in gantt chart??
i don't want reload full gantt chart

Please suggest me
