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Post by softwarezman »

I have added the ability to set the timeline bar to GMT for any browser (do a lot of govt stuff and this is pretty much the standard). I would post the code but I'm not sure if its an issue to post the whole plugin as it's a minor tweak from the original with an extra function created and a change to the way the records are created. Does anybody (mats or anybody) mind if I post it or is that an issue?

Post by mats »

We'd love to see it, please post all you want :)

Post by softwarezman »

The changes to the original are:
	 * @cfg {Boolean} useUTCTime true to set the timline line to Zulu (UTC) time for all viewers
	useUTCTime: false,
    init : function(cmp) {
        var store = Ext.create("", {
            model : Ext.define("TimeLineEvent", {
                extend : '',
                fields : ['Date', 'Cls', 'Text']
            data : [{Date : this.getTime(), Cls : 'sch-todayLine', Text : this.tooltipText}]
        var record = store.first();

        if (this.autoUpdate) {
            this.runner = Ext.create("Ext.util.TaskRunner");
			var me = this;
                run: function() {
                    record.set('Date', me.getTime());
                interval: this.updateInterval 

        cmp.on('destroy', this.onHostDestroy, this);
        = store;
	getTime: function() {
		var gmtDate = new Date();
		if(this.useUTCTime) {
			return new Date(gmtDate.getTime()+(gmtDate.getTimezoneOffset()*36000));
		} else {
			return gmtDate;
Full file is attached. It works for me. This isn't an operational system yet so I haven't done testing across different time zones but it should work ok.
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