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checking messagebox in siesta

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2020 4:04 pm
by Hakim
Hi all,
I have started the testing journey recently. Mainly, I am focusing on UI tests for now.
I have implemented a method to test crud actions for a webapp(implemented in extjs) with more than 600 screens. Things look smooth till now. However, I am facing some tiny issues and I would need your guidance.

Sometimes, when it happens to delete a record, there is always a messagebox alert.

I use recorder to get dom elements which are in two forms:
{waitForCQ: "#myAppName-messgbox title[text=Do you want to delete this record\?]"},
{click: "messagebox[title=Do you want to delete this record\?]#myAppName-messgbox #yes => .x-btn-inner-default-small"},
{waitForCQ: '#myAppName-messgbox title[text=Do you want to delete this record\?]'},
{click: '#myAppName-messgbox #yes => .x-btn-button'}
The solution I am applying now is to use a condition based on screen name in order to perform a chain action.
example:"is clicking trash icon", function(del){
	if(screenName === 'employee'){ // there are more screens to be added to this condition
	waitForCQ: '#myAppName-messgbox title[text=Do you want to delete this record\?]'},
        {click: "messagebox[title=Do you want to delete this record\?]#myAppName-messgbox #yes => .x-btn-inner-default-small"'}
	del.chain({waitForCQ: '#myAppName-messgbox title[text=Do you want to delete this record\?]'},
        {click: '#myAppName-messgbox #yes => .x-btn-button'})

My question is: is there any way to check the visibility of messagebox so that if it exists, the pointer could click Yes/OK and continue
Here is the image of the messagebox:

Re: checking messagebox in siesta

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 9:54 am
by nickolay

Yes, you can use all of the Siesta and generic DOM API in your tests. And you can create your own helper methods / assertions to automate repeating actions (see this guide:!/guide/extending_test_class)

To check if message box exists you can use this method:!/api/Siesta.Test.ExtJSCore-method-query

However it only checks the presence of the element in the DOM, not if it is actually visible. So you might need to pair it with the!/api/Siesta.Test.Element-method-isElementVisible

Re: checking messagebox in siesta

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 11:45 am
by Hakim
Thanks Mr Nickolay. That saves my time a lot.

Other questions will come when I start with unit tests :)

Re: checking messagebox in siesta

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 11:46 am
by nickolay
Sure, yw

Re: checking messagebox in siesta

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2020 1:20 pm
by Hakim
Hi Sir Nickolay,
I have one more question here for clarification:
if(t.query("messagebox[title=Error Code \:500]#myApp-messgbox toolbar => .x-box-inner")){
                                                if(t.isElementVisible("messagebox[title=Error Code \:500]#myApp-messgbox toolbar => .x-box-inner"))
                                                    t.chain({ click : ">>messagebox[title=Error Code \:500]#myApp-messgbox #ok"});
Here, the problem I am having is on
, when the message box is not visible (let's say no popup alert), that isElementVisible() throws an error:
siesta-all.js:30596 Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: messagebox[title=Error Code :500]#myApp-messgbox toolbar  => .x-box-inner
Am I using isElementVisible() in a wrong way?

Re: checking messagebox in siesta

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2020 1:23 pm
by Hakim
And when the alert is visible, it works fine...

Re: checking messagebox in siesta

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2020 5:37 pm
by nickolay
Ok, looking at the code you provided:
1) Using `t.query` in this way is not correct:
if(t.query("messagebox[title=Error Code \:500]#myApp-messgbox toolbar => .x-box-inner")){
`t.query()` return an array of matching elements, if there's no matching elements it returns empty array, which is a "truthy" value. So this condition will be always true. You probably mean:
if(t.query("").length > 0){
which says - if the length of the array returned is greater than 0.
2) Having a lonely `t.chain({ click : ">>messagebox[title=Error Code \:500]#myApp-messgbox #ok"});` in the `if` is probably incorrect. Click action is asynchronous (as pretty much every user action simulation), you probably need to provide some callback, as a last action of this chain:
{ click : ">>messagebox[title=Error Code \:500]#myApp-messgbox #ok"},

There's plenty of materials on the internet about the asynchronicity in JavaScript, need to become familiar with this concept.
3) About the exception - hard to say please post a full test code.

Re: checking messagebox in siesta

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2020 10:15 am
by Hakim
Ok. Thanks. I will check on that again