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I'll just attach the screenshots, I think they are self explanatory.
Thanks for the update. I'll wait for the fix, as it comes from npm repos
{ click: Ext.ComponentQuery.query('field[label=Tomato]')[0].el.dom },
This works, as said, I have this problem only with checkboxes.
For some reasons, click actions don't work anymore on checkboxes. It used to work, but now I cannot get it running. I've tried different selectors, but none seems to do the job anymore. The other fields seem ok. Ext.ComponentQuery.query delivers the object but the click action doesn't work. Any idea...
A longpress fires childlongpress which is correct.
But it fires also a childtap, not sure, is this normal?
nickolay wrote: Tue Sep 10, 2019 2:09 pm Try adding `t.simulator.forceTouchEvents = false` at the top of the test file?
I'm replying late. Yes, this seems to solve the problem at least for the provided example.
I'll try to add it to the other cases and I'll provide feedback.
nickolay wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2019 5:14 pm Also, the whole concept of chaining is obsolete with modern JS - one should just go for async/await:
Yeah, this is a very good point. Ok, give it a thought :) till then I'll use the binding.

Thanks for the feedback!
Docs don't mention any 'scope', so cannot expect that to work. Just bind your methods instead? Yes, this was my alternative in case the scope cannot be set. Maybe it could be a feature request, something ...
If I increase the time-out and I simulate the actions with the mouse then the test passes. t.chain({ waitForEvent: [view, 'childtap'], trigger: { click: '.x-listitem:contains(Item 2)' } },{ waitForEvent: [view, 'childdoubletap'], trigger: { doubleClick: '.x-listitem:contains(Item 2)' } },{ waitForEv...
I tried that, but the scope(this in the function) is not correct if I use that.