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Hello, If we set cls: 'class1 class2' we get error: DOMException: Failed to execute 'add' on 'DOMTokenList': The token provided (' parking') contains HTML space characters, which are not valid in tokens. If we set: (typeof cells[i+1] !== 'undefined' && cells[i+1].Name == cells .Name) ? '' : ...
Hello, We have: ... features: { scheduleContextMenu: false, contextMenu: false, eventContextMenu : { // Extra items for all events extraItems : [ { text : $filter('translate')('Split in parking area'), icon : 'fa fa-scissors', onItem({eventRecord}) { var data =; order.split(data.obj...

We have a last row partially hidden by scrollbar, how se can solve?

Thankyou for your info we try but not working. There is a possibility to select event by id. Ex. scheduler.selectEventById('idevent')?
Original data is the data before drag.
Hello, We update an event. var tempData = $; for(i = 0; i < tempData.length; i++) { if(tempData[i].id == { tempData[i] = originalData; } } $ = tempData; //$scope.schedulerEngine.selectEvent(originalData); The ...
It works, we'd like to remove deleteEvent Our code is: /** * @namespace matrixPlannerController */ app.controller('matrixPlannerController', function($scope, $rootScope, $mdDialog, $mdToast, $filter, $cookies, order, note, rollback) { $scope.schedulerZoom = $cookies.get('schedulerZoom') == null ? 11...
Thankyou is possibile to remove deleteEvent and insert our options? With our code how we can do it? Thankyou /** * @namespace matrixPlannerController */ app.controller('matrixPlannerController', function($scope, $rootScope, $mdDialog, $mdToast, $filter, $cookies, order, note, rollback) { $scope.sche...
We use Angularjs, Scheduler 1.2
Hei, We need when we click with right mouse add an option and then we click on it execute a function. Is possible? We upload also the code because when you send me instruction we don't understand where place configuration. Thankyou /** * @namespace matrixPlannerController */ app.controller('matrixPl...