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@bryntum/grid-vue wrapper package supports all public methods, configs, properties and features of the component which you can find here in docs.

You may see Vanilla example code as a template for configuring your vue component.


Thank you for your report.
We have fixed problems at our npm server. Please try again.


Yes. It will be updated with the next version.


Our package is compatible with CRA.
We have many demos based on CRA.

Please provide a sample application which we can build and see this error.

Hello! If you use legacy react CRA application you may try using theme from public folder. Copy theme and fonts from @bryntum/core-thin to public folder And use theme inside index.html page: <link rel="stylesheet" href="%PUBLIC_URL%/themes/" data-bryntum-th...


Please also add

"@bryntum/gantt-trial-lib": "file:./src/lib/bryntum/bryntum-gantt-trial-lib-5.6.5.tgz"


"@bryntum/gantt-lib": "file:./src/lib/bryntum/bryntum-gantt-lib-5.6.5.tgz"

Before all packages.
Name depends on what you have installed


You can download all examples source code we have online via the link I gave you above.
Not all vanilla examples are already ported to Vue but it is pretty simple to do it.

Hi! In vue we recommend using Bryntum wrapper components according to this guide. You can use vue refs to access each grid after. Using new TreeGrid({...}); is not actually a vue approach to build application. Please check guides here
Hi! You have grid variable initialized once globally for all grids. let grid; //define the grid variable here to initialize it later export default { then you assign it inside createGrid() { ... grid = new TreeGrid({ collapseAllButton uses it for action. { type: "button", ref: "collap...
Hi! We have this guide for npm package manager Please use npm to create offline packages and then install offline tgz files with yarn. You should have 2 offline packages gantt-trial-lib-1.0.0.tgz and gantt-triab.5.6....