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Could you please provide Ionic 7 app which we can build and test?
It is quite hard to give an advice on the portions of code given above.


Data format which comes from your server, depends on its configuration, Grid component can not guarantee that any format is safe when you disable htmlEncode column flag.
You should process data as stated above to handle XSS sanity.

Hi! Please always open a separate question on forum per each request you have to get faster help. It is hard to track threads with multiple questions. Regarding to zipcelx error: 404 error displays that your application can not reach zipcelx.js at the specified path. Please check that you have confi...
Hi! According to docs if you disable htmlEncode , then you should preprocess data before rendering on your own to avoid XSS issues. If you configure Grid like this: new Grid({ columns : [ { text : 'Name', field : 'name',...
Hi Please refer to this ProjectModel data guide for Gantt: We have non-visual <BryntumGanttProjectModel/> wrapper component for React which represents ProjectModel . It also can be used for the puprose. Check the list of available...
Hi! Couple of things should be noted here regarding to configuration of React app. Do not mix using tasks and taskStore in one config taskStore in config used without useState so it has been recreated each time component is rerendered Declare taskStore with useState const [taskStore] = useState(new ...
Hi! Add this event listener to Scheduler config to hide menu element: const scheduler = new Scheduler({ listeners : { timeAxisHeaderMenuBeforeShow({ items }) { items.currentTimeLine = fals...
Hi! You could declare your own constructor if you want. Like it is declared for BooleanDataField type BooleanDataFieldConfig = { ... } class BooleanDataField extends DataField { constructor(config?: Partial<BooleanDataFieldConfig>); } Could you please give some sample code to see what you need?


@bryntum/grid-vue wrapper package supports all public methods, configs, properties and features of the component which you can find here in docs.

You may see Vanilla example code as a template for configuring your vue component.


Thank you for your report.
We have fixed problems at our npm server. Please try again.