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Ok, will checking there. In our examples, the move task operation does not seem to produce any leaks (repeatedly moving a chain of 500 tasks)

@pincherhgz Hello. Sorry for delay. Regarding this issue - I have fixed the leak in case of dependency add/remove, now checking the "move task" case. The test app does not seem to load, so I'll be trying to reproduce it in our examples. I assume the move is performed with a regular drag an...

Thanks for the update, please keep us posted.

Hello, 1) Yes, unfortunately there's no good way to expose the fields declared with static fields notation to TS automatically. We would recommend to use the TS declare statement in the class definition: class Person extends Model { static fields = [ { name : 'age', persist : false }, ]; declare age...

Also, iirc, your application loads several Bryntum bundles on the page - please try loading only 1 Gantt bundle and see if that fixes the issue?

@burnit Hello. I'm working on this issue currently. Just curious - do you know how one can disable the transpilation/minification process in react? Its very inconvenient to debug the modified sources.

Persisted data is the data you are loading (assuming it comes from some persistent data storage, like database). In this case, the persisted data is different from the data with scheduling logic applied - thus the visual "jump" happens.


What exactly is not clear?

Hello, please provide access to your system again and the detailed steps how to reproduce the problem.

Sorry, its very hard to answer anything useful w/o being able to reproduce the problem. Very probably its something in your webserver setup, to which we obviously don't have access. Try googling for the similar errors perhaps.