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I am running in the above issue when running phantomjs in Linux.

From the documentation i see that xvfb package is required. Is a separate package that I needed to install as well?

Thank you.
It ran on a different machine.

The IE installation appears to be in the default location but just in case, how do you override it if it's different?

Any updates on this issue?
BTW, I am using Aurora 13.0a2 (2012-03-25)
Tried with firefoxproxy with same result
I have write permission into the directory where selenium jar lives.

XP / IE 8.0.6001.18702CO
I did close all browsers. I also run it for iexploreproxy only.

I see that a new java process gets spawned (from selenium server i assume).

But still no browser opens nor any iexplore process gets spawned.

Does selenium requires an admin privilege to run?
It ran without the initial issue - but it looks like just hanged from thereon. Is it supposed to complete? Any reports that get generated? The documentation seems not elaborate on this. C:\Workfiles\tools\siesta-1.0.7-standard\bin>java -cp "C:\Workfiles\tools\siesta-1.0.7-standard\bin\binary\se...
I turned it on. Same result when it is off.
Hi, Whenever i run selenium, I am getting the below error. AM i missing anything? Thanks C:\Workfiles\tools\siesta-1.0.7-standard\bin>selenium.bat https://localhost:8080/bpcorpact/gui-test/siesta/index.html C:\Workfiles\tools\siesta-1.0.7-standard\bin>set DIR=C:\Workfiles\tools\siesta-1.0.7-standard...