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Hello pkerstenplanon,

we have identified the source of the problem so we don't need showcase anymore. We are taking the steps to incorporate ShadowDom support to one of the upcoming releases, stay tuned please.

If returning the plain string does not help, we need a showcase so that we can debug.

FYI, object returned from your renderer is interpreted as DOMConfig.

I cannot say the reason without stepping into the function because there are several return points form completeEdit . You can see its source after downloading the zip package. Also, you can set a BP just before the call and then step into the method. You can also post a simple showcase that we can ...
Yes, it's correct You can also try it should work as well. You have to handle the situation yourself That should not happen. Try to ca...
Hello pkerstenplanon. Do you think it would be possible for you to post a simplest possible showcase that would demonstrate the above approach in a runnable form? Overriding the library methods is generally a risky business, however, the above looks like viable approach. If we had the showcase we ca...
Hello Galb. The problem here is that the data is made immutable somewhere in the chain between data.ts and loadCrudManagerData call. Normally, redux reducers should always make copies (which should resolve the issue). I have tried to modify your gantt selector to read: import { createSelector } from...

@sbprot, create please a new thread for the above issue so that we can keep it separate.

There is one easy way to configure the filter field described here:

The result would be:

Screenshot 2024-03-22 at 10.22.45.png
Screenshot 2024-03-22 at 10.22.45.png (508.46 KiB) Viewed 63 times

Or you are aiming to something else?

It seems that the problem is in your implementation of getFieldFilterPickerConfig function. See please our examples what this function is expected to do and to return. I suppose that you want the setup similar to but your demo behaves differen...

Hello Kirsten. This is apparently a bug so I've created an issue here: